Empress DB Server

Empress DB Server enables Empress RDBMS to be a fully distributed database across a network of computers while appearing to the user as if it were resident on the user's own system. Any system on the network can be designated as a client, a server, or both, giving full flexibility to the network manager for load balancing and applications design. As a result, applications are more efficient and machine resources are optimized. With Empress DB Server users have the ability to distribute Empress over a mixed-hardware environment, allowing for greater optimization of resources and flexibility. Empress DB Server even supports the 64-bit to 32-bit environment required for supercomputer to workstation peer-to-peer full database functionality.

Jim Sweeney

Marketing Manager
Empress Software, Inc.
6401 Golden Triangle Drive
Greenbelt, MD 20770
301-220-1997 (fax)

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