Customized Polymer Modeling Software

HDR offers a customized suite of meso scale polymer modeling software which is specifically designed to predict the behavior of dense multicomponent polymeric systems. Advanced techniques allow users to rapidly build and equilibrate large scale polymeric systems and perform realistic numerical experiments.

Customized software applications

(*) Miscibility in multicomponent polymeric systems

(*) Gelation, network formation

(*) Molecular basis for rheological properties of polymeric materials and fluids with suspended particles

(*) Polymer crystallization/melting kinetics

(*) Adsorption, wetting, spreading, and related interfacial phenomena

(*) Controlled release, membrane permeability.

Joel Nelson

Marketing Manager
Higher Dimension Research, Inc.
7650 Currell Boulevard
Suite 340
St. Paul, MN 55125
612-730-6206 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Chemical Engineering, Computational Chemistry, Industrial Training, Molecular Modeling, the developer index for Higher Dimension Research, Inc. and the market segment index for Chemistry, Biochem, Biotech, Materials.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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