Fast Data Finder

The company's products include hardware and software tools that can be used for building customized information services and high speed bioinformatics solutions. The hardware FDF accelerator would act as a SCSI peripheral to the SGI Host. These tools enable a client to launch an Internet-based information service within a matter of days, without having to assemble a solution piecemeal. Hardware-based, high-performance "information filters" analyze and identify the contents of textual data streams, which may include non-English text as well as protein and DNA sequences. Software tools perform data gathering, organization, archiving, and distribution through the Internet and corporate enterprise networks ("intranets").

Arthur Thomas

Bioinformatics Tech Advsr
Paracel, Inc.
One First Street
Suite 14
Los Altos, CA 94022
415-854-6504 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Biology, DNA Sequencing, the developer index for Paracel, Inc. and the market segment index for Chemistry, Biochem, Biotech, Materials.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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