CONCORD(TM) is a program for the rapid generation of high-quality 3-D organic molecular structures. Used interactively, CONCORD quickly generates structures for immediate computer graphic display. In batch mode, CONCORD provides a powerful mechanism for converting large databases of 2-D atomic connectivities into databases of 3-D chemical structures. CONCORD provides an advantageous alternative for molecular structure input using a simple, easy-to-learn chemical line notation. Structures are generated in an average of .075 Silicon Graphics® 4D/25 CPU seconds per MolFile.

Michael Sullivan

Communications Manager
Tripos, Inc.
1699 South Hanley Road
Suite 303
St. Louis, MO 63144
314-647-9241 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Molecular Modeling, Molecular Structure Solution, the developer index for Tripos, Inc. and the market segment index for Chemistry, Biochem, Biotech, Materials.

CONCORD is a Trademark of Dr. Robert Pearlman, U of T, Austin

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