MATLAB® Image Processing Toolbox

The Image Processing Toolbox integrates powerful, flexible tools for image processing and analysis with the MATLAB® Technical Computing Environment. The Toolbox provides functions for filter design, filtering, and image restoration; image enhancement; image analysis and statistics; color, geometric, and morphological operation; and 2-D transforms. The toolbox is delivered as MATLAB M-files, enabling users to see the algorithms and implementations, as well as to make changes or create new functions to address a specific application.

Enza Froio

The MathWorks, Inc.
24 Prime Park Way
Natick, MA 01760-1500
508-653-2997 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Algorithmic Development, Image Analysis, Scientific Visualization, Visualization, the developer index for The MathWorks, Inc. and the market segment index for Image Processing.

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