ELAS is a software package for the processing of digital imagery. It is a highly flexible set of software designed for research applications. Its design is such that the user can readily perform many operations that were never envisioned by either the original creators of the package or by the programmers who created the individual components of ELAS. Primarily coded in Fortran, the software uses only one file structure to hold any or all data that can practically be stored as arrays. Nonimage array data, such as statistics, control parameters, and processing status information, is stored such that the user has access to them and can change them at will. Further, the user can apply the software in any order.

Karen Newcomb

Information Analyst
382 East Broad Street
Athens, GA 30602
706-542-4807 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: File Format, GeoStatistics, Geographic Info. Systems, Medical Imaging, NMR Analysis, Oceanography, Remote Sensing, the developer index for COSMIC and the market segment index for Image Processing.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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