GeoIMAGE® is an image processing and analysis package which allows the user to view, manipulate, and analyze raster imagery for remote sensing applications. GeoIMAGE contains expert system capabilities with unique learning and automated reasoning functionality. The software can be taught domain knowledge and can use this information for feature extraction and advanced image analysis. GeoIMAGE supports stereo image viewing with the use of optional LCD stereo-view glasses. GeoIMAGE also supports a wide variety of remote sensing data formats.

With GeoIMAGE's image processing utilities, this product is capable of producing quality vector maps from original raster images with little or no manual digitizing effort.

Donald Linders

Business Manager
GEOREF Systems Ltd.
151 Frobisher Drive
Suite D-216
Waterloo, On N2V 2C9
519-885-4946 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Geographic Info. Systems, Image Analysis, Mapping, the developer index for GEOREF Systems Ltd. and the market segment index for Image Processing.

GeoIMAGE is a Registered Trademark of Georef Systems Ltd.

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