Flock of Birds(TM)

Flock of Birds(TM) is a modular tracker with six degrees of freedom for simultaneously tracking the position and orientation of 1 - 30 receivers (targets) over a specified range of plus or minus four feet. Motions are tracked to accuracies of .2 degrees and .05 inch at rates up to 144Hz. Due to simultaneous tracking, fast update rates and minimal lag occur even when multiple targets are tracked. Designed for head and hand tracking in VR games, simulations, animations, and visualizations. Price: Starts at $2,695.

Jack Scully

Vice President
Ascension Technology Corporation
PO Box 527
Burlington, VT 05402
802-860-6439 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Hardware Accessories, I/O Devices, Motion-capture, Simulation, Virtual Environments, Virtual Reality, the developer index for Ascension Technology Corporation and the market segment index for Animation.

Flock of Birds is a Trademark of Ascension

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