COULOMB© is a fully integrated, interactive, CAE package for electromagnetic field analysis, used for 3-D/RS electrical and electronic equipment design applications including high-voltage insulators, grounding electrodes, power transmission lines, communication cables, microstrip, and integrated circuits. Based on the boundary element method (BEM), COULOMB includes geometric modelers and static and quasi-static field solvers. No finite element mesh is required. COULOMB calculates voltage, electric field components, electric field distributions, transmission line parameters (including mutual and self-capacitances), inductances for arbitrary structures, and trajectories of charge particles. COULOMB includes a BATCH and PARAMETRIC Analysis function in addition to IGES and DXF geometry translation.

Curtis Rebizant

Marketing Engineer
Integrated Engineering Software, Inc.
46-1313 Border Place
Winnipeg, MANIR3H 0X4 R3H 0X4
204-632-7780 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Engineering, Finite Element Modeling (FEM), Non-Destructive Testing, Thermomechanical Analysis, the developer index for Integrated Engineering Software, Inc. and the market segment index for ECAE.

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