Maxwell® EM System Simulator

The Maxwell® EM System Simulator enables electromagnetic device characteristics to be combined with equations of motion and circuit excitation to predict the behavior of the complete electromechanical system. Typical applications include:

*Electric motor systems. Phase voltages, currents, and motor torque are computed as functions of rotor position.

*Transformers. Voltages and currents are computed as a function of time. This analysis includes the nonlinear variations in flux.

*Actuators. The position and velocity of the moving parts are computed as are the voltage and current waveforms in the coils and drive circuitry. Accounts for all the electromagnetic forces in the actuator, the equations of motion, and circuit excitations.

Laurie Richardson

Sales Administrator
Ansoft Corporation
Four Station Square
Suite 660
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
412-471-9427 (fax)

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