Excalibur TRS(TM) Text Retrieval Server

Excalibur TRS(TM) enables multi-user, content-based indexing and retrieval of text data in distributed client/server environments. TRS provides an application programmer's interface (API) for integrators and developers who wish to embed pattern recognition-based text retrieval capabilities in their client/server applications.

TRS is the only text retrieval product that delivers high-speed, automatic indexing and retrieval while avoiding the inherent flaws of indexing systems which require pre-defined search terms in weighted hierarchical trees. The APRP engine was the first to deliver pattern matching or "fuzzy searching" for unstructured queries, and tolerates errors in the data or the query that typically result in missed hits.

Mark Willey

Dir., Business Development
Excalibur Technologies
9255 Towne Centre Drive
9th Floor
San Diego, CA 92121
619-625-7901 (fax)

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Excalibur TRS is a Trademark of Excalibur Technologies

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