Open Inventor(TM)

Open Inventor(TM) for Non-SGI Platforms

Open Inventor allows 3-D applications developed with Open Inventor to run at accelerated speeds on workstations from Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment, IBM, Windows NT, Windows 95 and without source code changes. Open Inventor, the successor to IRIS Inventor, is an object-oriented toolkit for developing interactive 3-D graphics applications on OpenGL. It replaces the traditional, hardware-based drawing model for graphics programming with a more natural, powerful, and flexible 'object model.' This simplifies and speeds up development while providing a rich set of innovative objects and editors that let programmers focus on the creative and solution aspects of problems instead of the graphics drudgery. Contact Portable Graphics for information on ports to other systems.

Bill Thompson

Account Executive
Portable Graphics, Inc.
3006 Longhorn Boulevard
Suite 105
Austin, TX 78758
512-832-0752 (fax)

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