The NPGL(TM) library provides a fast, cost-effective way to port 3-D graphics and visualization applications from the Silicon Graphics platform to other workstation platforms. NPGL is a hardware-independent version of the IRIS GL 4.0 library from Silicon Graphics. Using NPGL, a GL application can be ported within days by recompiling the source code. IRIS GL applications ported with NPGL take full advantage of the speed and capabilities of each workstation's graphics acceleration options. NPGL supports DEC Alpha, Hewlett-Packard Series 700, IBM RISC System/6000 and Sun SPARCstation workstations. Development and Run-Time licenses are available.

Bill Thompson

Account Executive
Portable Graphics, Inc.
3006 Longhorn Boulevard
Suite 105
Austin, TX 78758
512-832-0752 (fax)

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