
XRT/3d(TM) for Motif is a sophisticated three-dimentional surface, bar and contour graph widget for X application developers. With XRT/3d, developers can easily build 3-D displays and interactions into their Motif applications. XRT/3d provides over 140 resources that control how data will be displayed. It can automatically contour the zone data, and handle missing data values. XRT/3d can also produce 4-D graphs. End user can use the mouse to rotate, zoom and shift graphs interactively. XRT/3d can report the exact coordinates clicked on by the user, to allow selection of graph points.

For More Information

KL Group, Inc.
260 King Street East
3rd Floor
Toronto, On M5A 1K3
416-594-1919 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Contouring, Surface & Volume Modeling, GUI Development, Graphics Libraries, Mathematical Plots, User Interface Libraries, the developer index for KL Group, Inc. and the market segment index for Development Tools.

XRT/3d is a Trademark of KL Group Inc.

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