GPE(TM) - A Graphical Programming Environment

GPE(TM) is a software development tool that provides a completely visual approach to programming. Standard programming language constructs can be used as building blocks to code complete program modules or subroutines. The building blocks are placed and manipulated on a "canvas" much like a drawing. GPE greatly improves programmer productivity by providing a host of convenience functions and performing extensive error checking. GPE also enforces programming discipline and generates ANSI C or FORTRAN code complete with headers and detailed documentation and flow diagrams. GPE can be used both as a software productivity tool as well as a training tool for new programmers.

Javier Benavente

Dynacs Engineering Company, Inc.
28870 U.S. Highway 19 North
Suite 405
Clearwater, FL 34621
813-726-4755 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Application Prototyping, CASE & Editors, Languages, Programming Language, Software Configuration Management, Software Development Tools, Software Engineering, User Interface Tools, the developer index for Dynacs Engineering Company, Inc. and the market segment index for Development Tools.

GPE is a Trademark of Dynacs Engineering Software

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