
Continuus/PT is designed to address both change requests and bug reports, supporting new development in addition to maintaining existing software. Continuus/PT gives a software engineering team complete visibility and control of engineering change requests throughout the phases of design, source code development, testing, maintenance, and documentation. Continuus/PT, although available separately, is designed to work with Continuus's leading product, Continuus/CM, a comprehensive, feature-rich, object-oriented Software Configuration Management (SCM) system with an open architecture for tool integration. The products are designed to support medium to large scale UNIX development teams running in a heterogeneous, distributed computing environment.

Kevin Strehlo

Director, Product Mktg
Continuus Software Corporation
108 Pacifica, Second Floor
Irvine, CA 92718
714-453-2276 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Configuration Management, Software Configuration Management, Software Development Tools, Software Engineering, the developer index for Continuus Software Corporation and the market segment index for Development Tools.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
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