UIM/X is a de facto standard in the OSF/Motif interface development tool arena with a 74% market share.

A built-in C interpreter distinguishes UIM/X from "layout-only" IDT products (such as Designer, BuilderXcessory, etc.), by enabling developers to go beyond the static portion of interface design to interactively create, modify, test and generate code for the behavioral portions of their application user interfaces.

UIM/X supports true OO development, providing a visual metaphor for building reusable, CORBA-compliant GUI objects in either C or C++, enabling developers to define class hierarchies with inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism. This same functionality enables the creation of cross-platform, portable GUI classes for building production-quality cross-platform applications, as well as to create iconic interfaces for existing keyboard-oriented applications. UIM/X generates high-quality C++, K&R or ANSI C, and UIL code. In addition, UIM/X version 2.6.1 contains significant enhancements to facilitate OO development in C++.

Sharon Hunter

Marketing Communications
Visual Edge Software Ltd.
3950 Cote Vertu
Suite 100
St. Laurent, PQ H4R 1V4
514-332-5914 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, GUI Development, Interface Software, Rapid Prototyping, User Interface Tools, the developer index for Visual Edge Software Ltd. and the market segment index for Development Tools.

UIM/X is a Trademark of Visual Edge Software, Ltd.

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