QA Planner(TM)

QA Planner(TM) is a new product from Segue Software which provides QA Partner® users with fully integrated test planning and management facilities. From a central vantage point, it lets you:

(*)Create integrated test plans in English using an outline editor

(*)Seamlessly integrate test plans with QA Partner testcases

(*)Run selected combinations of tests based on user defined attributes

(*)Manage all testcase data from within the test plan

(*)Query and report test development progress and test results

(*)Create a top down planning approach, and a single test plan for multiple users

QA Planner enables QA professionals to maximize the benefits of automated testing by organizing, executing and analyzing regression tests.

Kim Lussier

Segue Software, Inc.
1320 Centre Street
Newton, MA 02159
617-796-1610 (fax)

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QA Planner is a Trademark of Segue Software, Inc.
QA Partner is a Registered Trademark of Segue Software, Inc.

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