Visual PRO/5(TM)

Visual PRO/5(TM) provides a graphical, interpretive environment for developing sophisticated business apllications. Developers can interrupt an executing program (either public or CALLed), examine the state of the program, edit the code, modify variables and resume execution from the point of interruption. Visual PRO/5 is constructed around a multi-keyed file structure that enables manipulation of unlimited-length dynamic strings. Transaction tracking and journaling are offered for improved data security. It supports business math with 16-digit precision, and both string and numeric arrays of up to three dimensions.

Visual PRO/5 is ODBC compliant, supports DDE as a client and affords absolute portability of applications and data across multiple operating environments including DOS and UNIX-os based systems.

Jeb Boldins

Product Marketing
BASIS International Ltd.
5901 Jefferson Street, N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87109-3432
505-345-5082 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Data Management, Database, GUI Development, Programming Language, the developer index for BASIS International Ltd. and the market segment index for Development Tools.

Visual PRO/5 is a Trademark of BASIS International Ltd.

Application Index Developer Index Product Category Index Solutions Index
Copyright © 1995, 1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.