GBB(TM): Generic Blackboard Builder

GBB(TM), Generic Blackcoard Builder, is an environment for developing high-performance software applications in which software modules, called knowledge sources, interact in much the same way as human experts do using groupware. GBB is appropriate for building applications where flexibility, extensibility, and reusability are important, and for integrating legacy systems into a single, integrated application.

GBB features an object-oriented blackboard database with highly efficient object-retrieval facilities, an open and extensible environment in which knowledge sources can be written in any programming language, intelligent control and integration facilities, and a machine-independent graphics toolkit.

Scott Lander

Director of Marketing
Blackboard Technology Group, Inc.
401 Main Street
Amherst, MA 01002
413-256-3179 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: Application Development, Artificial Intelligence, Database, Integrated Operational Control, Programming Language, the developer index for Blackboard Technology Group, Inc. and the market segment index for Development Tools.

GBB is a Trademark of Blackboard Technology Group, Inc.
NetGBB is a Trademark of Blackboard Technology Group, Inc.

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