
ST-Developer is a software CASE environment for STEP. It contains a compiler for the EXPRESS information modeling language, tools for EXPRESS-G, the graphic version of EXPRESS, C and C++ programming libraries for working with EXPRESS-defined data and STEP exchange files. In addition, it contains conformance testing tools which use the worlds first EXPRESS interpreter to verify constraints on STEP data sets, and a STEP data browser and editor. Finally, the tool kit contains file format converters for IGES and Auto-CAD DXF, and various utilities for data management and schema migration.

Blair Downie

Product Manager
STEP Tools, Inc.
1223 Peoples Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
518-276-8471 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: CASE & Editors, Data Management, Mechanical CAD, Product Data Management, Productivity Tools, the developer index for STEP Tools, Inc. and the market segment index for Development Tools.

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