CINEON Digital Film System.

The system of choice for directors and post houses the world over. From feature film effects in Hollywood, to commercials productions in Europe, Cineon provides, tools, systems and solutions.

With Kodak's unique DXR technology through out. You get the full dynamic range of a film image, from the darkest shadows to the brightest highlights, without the clipping and artifacts of video. Plus, you work in a fully calibrated environment; no worries about clipping, banding, or what your images will really look like on the big screen!

Whether your images are coming from film, video or computer graphics.

Whether your output is going to film, video, or a web page.

Whether you're doing feature film F/X, restoration or commercials.

Cineon has a solution for you.


Here you can tour some of the exciting and innovative digital film products Kodak offers.

The Tour introduces you to the Cineon family of products: scanners, workstations, and recorders.

You can also learn more about Cineon Digital Film System configurations, and how to put their power, their potential, and their prestige to work for you.

Names and Locations

For more information contact your Kodak Cineon Sales Representative.

Copyright Eastman Kodak Company, 1996.