Position: Closest to Sun
Distance from Sun: 57,910,000 km
Mercury Day: 58.65 Earth Days
Mercury Year: 87.97 Earth Days
Orbital Speed: 47.8 km/sec
Eccentricity of Orbit: 0.206
Satellites: None
Diameter: 4,878 km
Mass: 3.30e23 kg
  • Mercury is the eighth largest planet (or second smallest) in the Solar System.
  • Mercury is a heavily cratered planet, composed of rock with a central iron core that is three-quarters of the diameter of the planet (3,600 km). Following the Earth, Mercury is the second densest planet in the Solar System.
  • Covered with thousands of craters, the surface of Mercury closley resembles the Earth's Moon. Mercury has few non-cratered areas on the surface, with the exception of the large flat area known as the Caloris Basin, and a few other small areas. The Caloris Basin, the result of an asteroid impact, is 1300 km in diameter.
  • The surface temperature of Mercury is characterized by major fluctuations. The daytime side of the planet reaches over 400 degrees C (752 degrees F), but on the night side the temperature falls to -170 degrees C (-274 degrees F).
  • Mercury has no atmosphere and no known satellites.
  • The only visit to Mercury was made by the Mariner 10 spacecraft in 1974.
  • Mercury was believed by the Greeks to be two different stars. Mercury's appearance in the morning was called Apollo, and its evening appearance was referred to as Hermes.
  • Mercury, often identified with the Greek god, Hermes, is the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology. Mercury is often characterized with winged sandals.

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