Position: Fourth from Sun
Distance from Sun: 227,940,000 km
Mars Day: 24.6 Earth Hours
Mars Year: 686.98 Earth Days
Orbital Speed: 24.2 km/sec
Eccentricity of Orbit: 0.093
Satellites: Two
Diameter: 6,794 km
Mass: 6.4219e23 kg
Major Atmospheric Gas: Carbon Dioxide
  • Mars is the seventh largest planet in the Solar System.
  • Known as the Red Planet, Mars is characterized by its red, dusty landscape.
  • In observation of Mars seasonal changes and river channels on the surface, many scientists hoped for a possibility of Martian life. They speculated that the composition of Mars' was similar enough to Earth to support life. However, the atmosphere on Mars is very different than Earth's, with only small amounts of life supporting oxygen and water.
  • The atmosphere on Mars is very thin, composed mainly of carbon dioxide(95%), nitrogen(2.7%), and argon(1.6%), with traces of oxygen and water.
  • Mars has polar ice caps, composed of solid carbon dioxide, that advance and retreat with the changing seasons.
  • Temperatures on Mars vary from a maximum of 0 degrees C (32 degrees F) to minimum -100 degrees C (-148 degrees F).
  • The terrain on Mars is complex and varied, with deep canyons, mountains, volcanoes, and craters. Olympus Mons, the largest mountain in the Solar System, stands on Mars with an altitude of 24 km (78,000 feet) with a base that is 600 km across. Valles Marineris is a system of canyons that stretch out over the surface of Mars for nearly 2,500 miles (4000 km). The canyons can get up to 200 km wide and 6 km deep in some areas.
  • Erosion and river channels on the surface of Mars revealed that there was once large amounts of water on the planet. There were river systems and possibly lakes and oceans on the planet over 4 billion years ago. This evidence has lead scientists to believe that Mars at one time may have supported life billions of years ago.
  • Mars was first visited by the Mariner 4, in 1965, which transmited 22 pictures of the Martian surface back to Earth. The pictures revealed that there was no water or life on the cold surface, shattering hopes to find life on Mars. There has been no proof to date that there was ever life on Mars.
  • Mars has two small satellites named Phobos and Deimos.
  • Mars is the god of war in Roman mythology.

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