Source Code Readme | libdmu | SoDMBufferVideoEngine |Patch 1759

The code, libraries, and demos contained on this CD are unsupported and are intended for demo purposes only. Silicon Graphics may change interface at any time that may render these code examples inoperable. This code has also not been tested extensivly so you may find bugs. Silicon Graphics is making no expression of warranty by publishing this code and documentation.

Source Code Readme

Development Software Required To Build Demo
Demo IDO* C++ ifl_dev inventor_dev
3D_Video x x  x***
GIS x   
UltraSound xx  
dmtexcube x x  
roam x** x x 
videoDistort x** x  
vidoeImageProc x x  x***

*IDO stands for IRIS Development Option, which has been replaced by IDL and IDF.
IDF - IRIX Development Libraries contains things such as the X, motif, and Viewkit libraries, etc.
IDL - IRIX Development Foundation contains the development subsystems such as compiler_dev, ftn77_dev, etc.

**these demos require gl_dev.sw.widget which is part of gl_dev but it is not installed by default.

***The versions of inventor_dev these demos were built with and require is version 2.1.3. Technically version 2.1.3 of inventor_dev has not yet been released on IRIX 6.3. WARNING! this is IRIX 6.4 Beta Version Software.

Both the include and lib subtrees are needed/used by the 3D Video, Video Distort, and Video Image Processing programs for those people who want to recompile these sources. Some of the above demos will not run properly if the data they require is not in the appropriate location. All the required data is included with each demo as it is installed under /usr/demos/General_Demos.


While writing demos for the O2 we spent tons of time rewriting the same code in a slightly different way. This library is an effort to make writing digital media demos easier.

General Overview
The dmu library consists of a group of c++ objects that wrap up the digital media libraries available on the O2. There are many different libraries that you can use to manipulate images on the O2. A couple of examples are: the video libarary (VL), the movie library (MV), the image conversion library (DMIC), and openGL. All of these libraries have different apis and deal with data differently. DMbuffers and DMBufferPools are data structures that act as the glue between all of these libraries. If one libaray can generate its output into a DMbuffer, another library can probably read that data and process.

For the DMbuffers to be properly allocated and configured, they must be constrained by both the library feeding data into it and the libaray taking data from the DMbuffer. Making sure that all of the constraints match is a real trick. With this utility library we hope to hide the creation, constraining, and allocation of the DMbuffer DMbufferPools from the user. The library also encapsulates a number of commonly used features of the various digital media libraies.

After installing demos_O2.sw.src from the O2 Demo CD, see /usr/share/src/demos_O2/lib/libdmu/doc/ for more details.


This is a collection of Inventor nodes, engines, fields and basic data types to help rapidly develop DMbuffer demos for the O2 system. Descriptions of the classes, their use and limitations are given, plus uncompiled source code and library and header files.

After installing demos_O2.sw.src from the O2 Demo CD, see /usr/share/src/demos_O2/lib/SoDMBufferVideoEngine/doc/ for more details.

Patch 1759

This patch fixes a bug in the Indigo Magic Desktop where choosing "Browse OutBox Page" from the Internet menu on the Toolchest results in an error dialog stating that ns_fasttrack needs to be loaded. This patch should be installed on all 6.3, 6.3 including R10000 and 6.4-S2MP systems; it is required if you are installing the demos.sw.desktopDemo software.