cvs-1.11: description + notes

cvs is a version control system that lets you keep old versions of files (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes occurred, etc., like RCS or SCCS. cvs extends the notion of revision control from a collection of files in a single directory to a hierarchical collection of directories consisting of revision controlled files.

cvs supports multiple developers (teamwork), multiple directories, triggers to enable/log/control various operations, multiple-files per "commited-change", and can work over a wide area network. It supports secure logins via ssh and is the preferred source-control tool of many freeware developers on the net including egcs, FreeBSD, and others.

The following tasks are not included; they can be done in conjunction with CVS but will tend to require some script-writing and software other than CVS: bug-tracking, build management (that is, make and make-like tools), and automated testing.

Unlike earlier releases, all access to RCS files is now implemented internally rather than by calling RCS programs. The main user-visible consequence of this is that there is no need to worry about making sure that CVS finds the correct version of RCS.

Although this package does not include built-in support for socks, the fw_socks5 runsocks command should work.

More information is available from

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