a2ps-4.12: description + notes

a2ps is an Any to PostScript filter. It started as a Text to PostScript converter, with pretty printing and all the expected features for this kind of programs. Today it also deals with other file types (PostScript, Texinfo, compressed, whatever...) provided you have the necessary tools. For more details see "man a2ps" or "info a2ps". The a2ps home page has on-line manuals and FAQ.

A short list of features of a2ps includes:

The most sensitive changes in the interface since version 4.10.4 are that -D now means --define rather than --setpagedevice, and -S now means --setpagedevice rather than --statusdict.

Note that /usr/freeware/etc/a2ps.cfg does not assume that you have installed any additional freeware packages. If you install gv (or ghostview), bzip, bzip2, psutils (dvips, psselect, psnup), pdf2ps, dvips, groff, or ImageMagick (convert) executables you may wish to uncomment the corresponding lines in the "Preconfigured delegations" section.

To auto-install this package, go back and click on the respective install icon.