gnome-utils-1.4.0: description + notes
This package contains a variety of GNOME utility programs, specifically:
- gcalc, a simple double precision calculator similar to xcalc
- gcharmap, a tool for generating any ASCII character.
- gcolorsel, a small utility to browser available X11 colors
- gdialog, which lets you display dialog boxes from shell scripts
- gdict, a tool for querying RFC2229 dictionary servers.
- gdiskfree, which shows the amount of free disk space using dials
- gfontsel, an X11 font selection tool
- gless, a graphical file browser/pager
- gnome-run, a graphical shell for running commands
- grun, a simpler graphical shell for running commands
- gsearchtool, a frontend to find/grep/locate
- gshutdown, a graphical frontend to shutdown
- gtt, a time tracker
- guname, a graphical monitor for system, disk, and memory information
- logview, a system log monitor (formerly in the fw_gnome-admin package)
- splash and splac, which display xpm images as spash screens
- stripchart, which charts system performance parameters
To auto-install this package, go back and click on the respective install icon.