gnome-python-1.0.53: description + notes

The gnome-python package contains the source packages for the Python bindings for GTK+ and GNOME (PyGTK and PyGNOME, respectively). PyGTK is an extension module for Python that provides access to the GTK+ widget set. Just about anything (within reason) you can write in C with GTK+, you can write in Python with PyGTK, but with all of Python's benefits. This module contains a wrapper for the libglade library. Libglade is a library similar to the pyglade module, except that it is written in C (so is faster) and is more complete. This module also contains a wrapper for the GtkGLArea widget, which lets you display OpenGL output inside your pygtk program. It needs a set of Python OpenGL bindings such as PyOpenGL to actually do any OpenGL rendering.

PyGNOME is an extension module for Python that provides access to the base GNOME libraries, so you have access to more widgets, a simple configuration interface, and metadata support. This module contains GNOME support for glade, GNOME Panel applets, GNOME Control Center capplets.

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