expat-1.95.1: description + notes

This distribution has been built for IRIX 6.2 and later versions of IRIX.

Expat XML Parser

Expat is an XML parser library written in C. It is a stream-oriented parser in which an application registers handlers for things the parser might find in the XML document (like start tags). An introductory article on using expat is available on xml.com.

From the README:

Expat, Release 1.95.1

This is expat, the C library for parsing XML, written by James Clark. Expat is a stream oriented XML parser. This means that you register handlers with the parser prior to starting the parse. These handlers are called when the parser discovers the associated structures in the document being parsed. A start tag is an example of the kind of structures for which you may register handlers.

Expat is free software. You may copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms of the License contained in the file, COPYING, distributed with this package. This license is the same as the MIT/X Consortium license.

Versions of expat that have an odd minor version (the middle number in the release above), are development releases and should be considered as beta software. Releases with even minor version numbers are intended to be production grade software.

A reference manual is available in this distribution; to get it, install the subsystem named "fw_expat.man.doc", or with description "expat-1.95.1 documentation". The reference manual will be installed in the file /usr/freeware/doc/expat/reference.html.

The homepage for this project is at expat.sourceforge.net. There are links there to connect you to the bug reports page. If you need to report a bug when you don't have access to a browser, you may also send a bug report by email to expat-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net.

Discussion related to the direction of future expat development takes place on expat-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net. Archives of this list may be found here.

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