teTeX-0.4pl8: description + notes

Main features of the teTeX distribution: Included programs:

Macro packages (La)TeX:
Vmargin a4dutch a4wide a5 a5comb algorithm amsfonts amslatex anysize apalike arrow babel bar bbm bbold beton bibgerm blkarray boxedminipage btxmac calc caption changebar cite citesort comment curves curvesls custom-bib dinbrief doublespace draftcopy dvips eclbip ecltree eepic endfloat endnotes eplain euler example fancyhdr fancyheadings float floatflt fnpara foiltex footnpag fullpage g-brief geometry german gletter graphics greekctr hangcaption here hyphen idxmac index initials isolatin1 koma-script labels landscape lastpage latin1jk latin3jk letterspace localloc ltxtable mathbbol mathrsfs mflogo mfnfss minitoc moreverb mproof multibox multind multirow mylatex natbib nopageno ntgclass null ot2cyr parskip path picinpar pictex plain portland program psboxit psfig psfrag pslatex psnfss pstricks relsize revtex rotating rotfloat scrload seminar setspace shadow shapepar showtags stmaryrd subfigure supertabular sz tabls testfont texdraw texinfo texnames textcomp textfit textmerg threeparttable tools trees typehtml ulem umlaute url version vmargin vpage wasyfont wasysym wrapfig xepsf xypic

Supported fonts:
avantgar bbm bbold bookman charter cm cmextra concrete courier cyrillic euler gothic helvetic latex mathppl mathptm mflogo misc ncntrsbk palatino pandora rsfs stmary symbol symbols times utopia wasy xypic zapfchan zapfding

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