typedstream StreamTable HashTable Object [20c] typedstream [570c] typedstream HashTable Object FrontEnd HeaderClass %%%%i@@ genericobject_nib NameView SampleButton currentSound popup ConvertButton IconBox myGNULicense IconBox2 FrontEndWindow NameView2 ErrorText stopsound: showGNULicense: convertMactoNeXT: playsound: setUpDraggedInFiles: changeSampleRate: pausesound: FirstResponder firstnib performMiniaturize: copy: paste: selectAll: performClose: [23523c] typedstream HashTable Object [15@] Bitmap Sound iii00 [576c] UUUUUUUUUV UUUUUUUUUUj UUUUUUUUUUj Blank MyFace [1024c] playbutton [507c] UUUUUUUUUUU playbuttonH UUUUUUUUUUU stopbutton UUUUj UUUUUUUUUUU stopbuttonH UUUUj UUUUUUUUUUU pausebutton UUUUUUUUUUU pausebuttonH UUUUUUUUUUU recordbutton UUUUUUUUUUU recordbuttonH UUUUUUUUUUU Macsnd UUUUUU@ UUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUZ UUUUUUUUUUZ Convert [50c] MacNext. NibData @@@@s Storage {*@@} [48{*@@}] File's Owner CustomObject Application MainMenu MenuTemplate FrontEnd Matrix Control Responder @:@iiii MenuCell ButtonCell ActionCell Info... Helvetica ff@@#::s MyWindow WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ 'Yet Another Mac To NeXT Sound Convertor Window [14@] CustomView TextField TextFieldCell Button Convert Sound Sample Rate = 22KHz Macintosh Helvetica-Bold This is for Errors Field1 Field Pause Field3 Field4 Field5 FrontEndInstance InfoPanel Panel Version 1.2.0 This is Free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without even the implied warranty of or See the GNU General Public License for more details, by clicking on the button below: without Helvetica-BoldOblique any warranty;< merchantability< !fitness for a particular purpose.< !Copyright 1990 by Ed Hill Symbol Ed Hill Self Portriat0 License... Futue Additions Helvetica-Oblique Known Problems AAll helpful comments and suggestions are welcome (and encouraged) Field262 >2!A2"D2 CopyrightSymbolI' VersionNumber-' Button1P'vR' \' a' g'!j' o'"r' This is simply a user friendly frontend to an existing program called "mac2snd" by Robert Hood. With this version you simply drag a Macintosh sound (designated by a .macsnd extension) from the Workspace to my application's window. Once you have done that press the convert button to convert the Mac sound to a NeXT sound. This program automatically writes the new sound file in your current directory. It writes a new file with the same name as the Mac sound except it replaces the ".macsnd" with the standard ".snd". NOTE: I make my program require a .macsnd extension so that a standard can be set. NeXT sounds have .snd extension, Tiff files have a .tiff extension and now when I look at my browser I will know what sounds are Mac sounds and what sounds are NeXT sounds. I have included buttons so that you can listen to the sound after it has been converted. If the converted sound is to slow or to fast then press the "Sample Rate" button and convert the sound again. Known Bugs cBug #1: There seems to be some type of clipping that occurs during the transfer. The first few microseconds of the converted sound seemed to get messed up. Bug #2: I originally wrote this program to convert multiple files at once, but for some reason the Workspace would not let me drag a handfull of files to my window (pathList is no longer a list). Additions Future Additions #1: I hope to fix the before mentioned bugs. #2: 1 would like to be able to recognized different Macintosh sound types and be able to convert all of them. This would also include converting NeXT to Mac. #3: I plan to add a simple little editor ( nothing fancy ) like SoundEditor. {i*@@@} [21{i*@@@}] hide: terminate: delegate FrontEndWindow$ IconBox$ NameView$ IconBox2$ NameView2$ convertMactoNeXT: changeSampleRate: playsound: makeKeyAndOrderFront: stopsound: pausesound: ErrorText$ showGNULicense:d$ SampleButton$ ConvertButton$