This is the top-most directory of the Executor 2 CD-ROM. Executor 2 supports three major operating system families: Dos capable -- DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows '95, and OS/2 Linux compatible -- Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD NEXTSTEP based -- NEXTSTEP/Intel and NEXTSTEP/Motorola only The file "install.exe" can be run to install Executor 2 on DOS capable systems. The directory "dos" contains other files that are specific to DOS capable operating systems. If you are using one of the DOS capable operating systems then you have no need to access either the "linux" or "nextstep" directories. If you do access those directories, be prepared to see weird filenames and text files that look funny under DOS. The filenames and text files are correct when viewed under Linux or NEXTSTEP. The directory "linux" is useful to users of the Linux operating system. It contains a file, "install", which is a shell-script which can be run to install Executor 2 on Linux compatible systems (Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD). The directory "nextstep" is useful to users of the NEXTSTEP operating system. It contains a file, "install", which is a shell-script which can be run to install Executor 2 on NEXTSTEP/Intel and NEXTSTEP/Motorola systems. You can ignore the "rr_moved" directory Within each of the three architecture directory trees is a directory named "extra/docs", which contains various text files which may help you if you're having problems with Executor. Even if Executor works fine for you, it is probably worth skimming these files just to see some of the issues that can be tricky under Executor 2. Thank you for purchasing Executor 2.