typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject Preferences TextField Control Responder Matrix @:@iiii ButtonCell ActionCell ' Alt-tangenten genererar Esc-sekvenser Helvetica NXImage NXradio NXradioH & Alt-tangenten genererar specialtecken Alt-tangenten st ller in h g bit ff@@#::s Radio TextFieldCell ~Du har st llt in Alt-tangenten till att generera ett speciellt prefix. till standard med "dwrite Terminal Meta 27". Title Alt-tangenten tt nya rader till vagnreturer vid inklistring NXswitch NXswitchH 5Generera VT100-koder fr n det numeriska tangentbordet r strikt VT100-emulering (normalt inte Switch Kompatibilitet ? Radbryt f nga rader (bryt om n nsterstorleken ndras) 0 Rulla till f nstrets botten n r indata tas emot Andra alternativ Obegr Button Aktiverad rader Scrollback-buffert Translators' note: These subpanes are centered for you automatically within the preferences window. You can ungroup and change the sizes freely; just be sure that the result fits within the prefs window and that you regroup all the elements of each subpane together when finished. Translators: emuCtl/altBox should be wired to the box with title Alternate Key, and emuCtl/altMsg to the box which contains the visible message. Be sure to get both sets of stuff inside the Alternate Key box. There is a hidden view here that needs to be localized. - Garth Aktivitetsmonitor aktiverad Bakgrundsprocesserna r "rena" 4Monitor processes to determine if window is "dirty". Terminal svarar inte p processer som k andra datorer. Lita inte p Terminals processmonitor n r du har loggat in p ett fj rrsystem. Helvetica-Oblique Ta bort gg till NXreturnSign "Rena" kommandon Helvetica-Bold ScrollView ClipView rlogin Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffsRTC r ingenting ppna startfilen Skapa nytt shell-f nster r Terminal startar FormCell Field: ll in... Startfil m vid autostart Autostart /bin/csh Shell: s inloggningsskript Egen titel: Shell-s Filnamn Egen titel Enhetsnamn nsterstorlek Inkludera dessa element: WindowTop < do not localize > Kolumner: Rader: ng alltid f nstret nstret om Shell avslutas korrekt ng aldrig f nstret r Shell avslutas CustomView FontTrap Typsnitt WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Terminalinst llningar Panel nster MenuTemplate *@*@ccc OtherViews MenuCell NXpopup NXpopupH Titelrad VT100-emulering Aktivitetsmonitor Shell Systemstart PopUpList popUp: ll in f rinst llning Visa f rinst llning ll in f nster Bakgrund Markering NXColorWell Blinkande [10@] Normal Courier "Blinkning" Extra fet Courier-Bold ShellController StartupController llningar Tre Window llningar Tv WindowController ProcessMonitorController MiscController llningar Ett EmulationController TitleBarController Field1F + Alternate key generates special charactersFN Button2FW Set...F Form3F Auto-LaunchF PrefWindowF$ Activity monitor enabledFk Do nothingF6 AddF2 Matrix3F Scrollback BufferF Title PreferencesF Field2F Matrix1F Never close the windowF Include these ElementsF StartupF shellCtlF 8 Perform strict VT100 emulation (not normally desirable)F^ Other OptionsF Show DefaultF startCtlF Set WindowFa Startup PreferencesF Custom TitleF Activity MonitorFy File's OwnerF Prefs ThreeF DisplayF Title BarF 'Close the window if shell exits cleanlyF Matrix2F Emulation PreferencesFe When Terminal Starts UpF VT100 EmulationF& Background processes are "clean"F Window SizeFF Field4F[ Window PreferencesF" Set DefaultF FieldFH winCtlF procCtlF Prefs TwoF ColumnsF : Scroll to the bottom of the window when input is receivedF miscCtlF UnlimitedF Alternate KeyF Shell PathF Box1F Form2F Hide on Auto-LaunchFJ Read login scriptF 4 Translate newlines to carriage returns when pastingFY RemoveF Create a new shell windowF Current FolderFi Prefs OneF Always close the windowF Button1F emuCtlF{ PathF ) Alternate key generates Escape sequencesF CompatibilityF* % Generate VT100 codes from the keypadF : Wrap lines that are too long (rewrap when window resized)F Device NameF Shell PreferencesF FilenameF When Shell ExitsF Miscellaneous PreferencesFL titleCtlF Process Monitor PreferencesF EnabledFm Open the startup fileF RowsF Startup File [91@] IBOutletConnector IBConnector paneSelector showDefaultButton setDefaultButton okButton container window emulationCntl shellCntl processMonitorCntl titleBarCntl miscCntl IBControlConnector changePane: setDefaultX: delegate showDefaultX: windowCntl fontTarget strictCheck keypadCheck translateCheck checkMatrix emulationPane processMonitorPane miscPane fontField fontTrap shellExitMatrix sizeForm shellForm sourceCheck setFontRequest: actionMatrix fastAutolaunchCheck pathForm setPathRequest: windowPane shellPane startupPane startupCntl altBox altMsg textDelegate pathWasSet: handleReturnByProxy: startupActionChanged: fastStartupChanged: targetProxy shellChanged: sourceDotLoginChanged: handleReturn: lineLimitField wrapCheck autoFocusCheck otherOptionsMatrix unlimitLines: linesUnlimited linesLimited limitLines: performClick: addButton monitorCheck newCleanField removeButton runningCleanCheck remove: scrollbackEnableCheck buttonMatrix fakeTitle elementMatrix titleForm titleBitsChanged: cleanMatrix titleBarPane cleanProcChanged: runningBackgroundChanged: enablementChanged: cleanScrollView