typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject ServiceManager ButtonCell ActionCell Nouveau Helvetica Matrix Control Responder Button $Lancer les services en t che de fond MenuTemplate *@*@ccc OtherViews @:@iiii MenuCell $Lancer les services dans une fen ff@@#::s PopUpList popUp: NXImage NXpopup Aucun shell NXradio NXradioH Shell par d C-shell rapide Radio Retourner les messages Eliminer les messages cution Texte seul NXswitch NXswitchH Texte format RTF Fichiers Switch Accepter FormCell Field: Commande et quivalent clavier Sur une ligne Cmd Comme entr Utiliser la s lection Title ScrollView ClipView < do not localize > Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs-/ Enregistrer... Enlever NXreturnSign &Services enregistrer dans ce fichier WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Do Not Localize This Title Window@ Services de Terminal Panel As Input On Cmd Line Services to Save in this File Files Execution No Shell Save Accessory Remove Matrix1 Fast C-shell Services File's Owner Button3 Button1 Form2 Run Service in a Window Default Shell < no localize > Matrix2 Rich text Use Selection Command and Key Equivalent Plain text Accept Button2 Discard Output Matrix3 Save... Command Run Service in the Background [36@] IBOutletConnector IBConnector window commandForm delegate textDelegate svcMatrix shellOpts polymorphicOpts changeButton removeButton addButton selTypes IBControlConnector execTypeChanged: execTypePopUp makeDirty: polymorphicOptsChanged: change: remove: serviceSelected: performClick: selOpts saveMatrix saveAccessory save: saveButton keyForm nextText svcScrollView saveScrollView