streamtyped IBObjectData Object CustomObject WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Window Responder [17@] Button Control ButtonCell ActionCell Helvetica NXImage NXscrollRight NXscrollRightH CustomView Calendar NXscrollLeft NXscrollLeftH TextField TextFieldCell Times-Roman September The network time daemon is running. Click the Synchronize button to synchronize the time on your computer with the network time. TimeSetting Synchronize 24-Hour NXswitch NXswitchH NewClock ScrollView ClipView NXTimeZoneView Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs FontManager Preferences Font Manager Button1 File's Owner Button4 Button5 View1 NewClock1 Button3 Button2 Field3 Button6 Field2 Field1 [28@] IBOutletConnector IBConnector window plusButton minusButton timeSetter IBControlConnector newTime: setButton monthField yearField calendar plusSetting: minusSetting: yearPlus: yearMinus: monthPlus: monthMinus: monthPlus monthMinus yearPlus yearMinus ntpdTextField synchronize: synchButton hour24Changed: switch24Hour layout_clock timeZoneButton delegate tzView