In most instances LINKS LS will run error free under Windows 95. However, if you should encounter an error with the program, we have a few suggestions. 1) If you have the option to run the program under DOS, we recommend you boot to DOS and run the program from there. Under DOS the program will not incur the drastic overhead of Windows 95 which diminishes the overall perform- ance of LINKS LS. More memory will be available to the game which may result in performance gains, not just in game play, but also in Video playback and VR performance. 2) If you choose to run the program under Windows 95, we highly recommend you close all other programs and restart the computer before launching the LINKS LS. Anytime a program is running in the background of the LINKS LS, it is taking up necessary space and CPU time. 3) If you have 16 megabytes of RAM or less, and wish to run LINKS LS from Windows 95, you may want to consider making a separate "Low Memory" configuration. The idea behind a new configuration is to remove drivers that are unnecessary to LINKS LS from memory before starting Windows 95. For more information on creating a new configuration please refer to the player's manual under the troubleshooting section. 4) If you are still having problems, please call our Technical Support Line. US (Toll Free): 1-800-793-8324 Outside the US (Canada/Mexico): 801-359-1294 Or you can reach us on our World Wide WEB Site at: