1 Virtual Jukebox 2 Timer request failed. There are too many clocks or timers present. 3 There is a corrupt file specified in the playlist or there is a MCI error. Please verify that the file, MIDI drivers, and related devices are in proper order. 4 (Untitled) 5 There is an error with file playback. Please check the file and try again. 6 (Untitled) has changed. Save it? 7 %s has changed. Save it? 8 Dialog display error. 9 TTSSEQ40.DLL could not be loaded. Cakewalk WRK files will not play. 10 ----- End ----- 11 A version of Cakewalk is loaded. Please close the Cakewalk application to run Virtual Jukebox. 12 (wait %d sec.) 13 A version of Cakewalk has been loaded. Before pressing OK, please close the Cakewalk application for proper playback. 14 Delay -%d 15 *.wrk;*.bun;*.mid;*.mff;*.rmi;*.wav;^*.wrk;*.bun;*.mid;*.rmi;*.wav;^Cakewalk (*.wrk)^*.wrk^Cakewalk Bundle (*.bun)^*.bun^MIDI file (*.mid)^*.mid^Wave audio files (*.wav)^*.wav^ 16 *.ply;*.set;^*.ply;*.set^ 17 Add files to Playlist 18 Open a Playlist file 19 Save the Playlist 20 Playlist files (*.ply)^*.ply^ 21 File can not be opened. File length too long. 22 File not opened. File length exceeds memory available to be allocated. 23 File not opened. Format not recognized. 24 MCI ERROR CODE (%ld): 25 MCI ERROR 26 Unknown Error 27 VJB.HLP 28 The maximum number of entries allowed in the playlist is 999. 29 Could not save file. Please verify that the path and file name are in a valid format. 31 &Add 32 &Close 33 This beta version has expired.\nPlease destroy it, according to the terms of your Beta Test Site Agreement.\n\nThank you. 34 Not a valid Virtual Jukebox playlist file. 35 Error loading playlist. Not all files specified in the playlist were valid file names. If you save the playlist, your orignal playlist will be saved without these invalid file names. 36 *.wrk;*.bun;*.wav;^*.wrk;*.bun;*.wav;^Cakewalk (*.wrk)^*.wrk^Cakewalk Bundle (*.bun)^*.bun^Wave audio files (*.wav)^*.wav^ 37 This DEMO version can not save playlists or load .MID files. Otherwise it works just like the regular version. Press F1 for help while using the program. 38 Some external audio files could not be found. Missing audio data has been replaced with silence. 40001 Create a new playlist. 40002 Open an existing playlist. 40003 Save the current playlist. 40004 Save the current playlist with a new name. 40005 Quits the application; prompts to save the playlist. 40006 Displays application information and copyright. 40018 Insert new files into the playlist. 40019 Delete file entry from the playlist. 40020 Redo the previously undone action. 40021 Cut file entry from the playlist. 40022 Copy file entry in the playlist. 40023 Inserts cut or copied file entry at the current selection. 40024 Find a particular file entry in the playlist. 40026 Displays the table of contents for the online documentation. 40027 Searches the online documentation. 40030 Show the full path of files. 40031 Don't start playing until keypress. 40032 Advances to next file entry automatically. 40055 Advances to next file entry automatically. 40056 Don't start playing until keypress. 40057 Delay playback with a specified time. 40058 Delay playback with a specified time. 40059 View the author, title, comments, and other information of a Cakewalk file. 40061 Undo last edit action. 40062 Configure MIDI input and output ports. 40063 Randomize playback during autoadvance. 40064 Repeat the last file find. 40066 Display the time in Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames for MIDI sequences. 40067 Display the time in Measures:Beats:Ticks for MIDI sequences. 40072 Rewind to the beginning of the current selection. 40077 Add files to the current playlist. 40078 Display as top most window always. 40079 Always display as top most window. 40080 Sort items in the playlist.