============================================================= PieDir for Psion S3a - v9508 ===================== This version of PieDir is freeware. :) ===================== ============================================================= PieDir is short for Pie Directory. It graphicaly displays the space your files occupy by displaying a pie chart. File Size: 14K Memory Requirements: 35K (20K system + 15K program) -------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Start Instructions ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- To install: 1) Copy PieDir.opa to the \APP directory 2) Copy PieDir.pic to the \PIC directory 3) Install in system screeen Keys: Up - Move up list Down - Move down list Right - Move into directory on current line Left - Move to parent directory Enter - Calculate total size of each directory in list Psi-A - About dialog Psi-D - Delete current file Psi-R - Returns stats on selected drive Psi-X - Exit Psi-Z - Zoom in ShPsi-Z - Zoom out Menu Help -------------------------------------------------------------- Description ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Operation is fairly simple. You move into a directory by moving the pointer to the directory name and then pressing the right arrow key. To move up to the parent directory, press the left arrow key. Pressing Enter will calculate the space occupied by the directory you are currently in and all files and directories below your current position. It's easier to understand by doing it than by me trying to explain it. If you have a flash disk in one of the drives, PieDir can tell you how much space is "wasted". "Wasted" space occurs when a file on a flash disk is deleted. The file disappears, but the free space on the drive does not increase. The only way to reclaim the free space is to reformat the drive. -------------------------------------------------------------- Known bugs -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Scrolling will sometimes leave stray marks in the list. The marks are from ascenders/descenders which are not completely erased when scrolling up or down. -------------------------------------------------------------- Notes ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- The number of clusters a file occupies is not calculated. As a result, the physical "space" a file uses on the internal drive can be off by a large margin. The maximum number of files PieDir can display has been fixed at 130. I developed PieDir using a S3a with 512K memory and a 512K flash disk. Unmodified copies of PieDir may be distributed freely. PieDir may not be distributed with the intent of making a profit from its distribution. I reserve all rights to PieDir. Programming tip request: I need at least a "PAUSE 4" in my main loop in order for auto-turn-off to work. This slows down the program response. Does anyone know how to get auto- turn-off to work without using a "PAUSE" command? Bugs, comments, complaints can be sent to: lgilbert@prairienet.org -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Use PieDir at your own risk. Do not hold me responsible for any harm, damage or loss as a direct or indirect result of it's use. etc. etc. etc. You know the rest. Hope you find PieDir useful! Luke