OPLObjectFile** SNAPLAN.OPP` 8@0A@ Planner.ODB \OPD\ 100012 \APP\SNAPLAN\ Jan 97 +%JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec \SNAPLAN\*.$$$ SNA PLANNERO PHOqO Edit+ Enter New AgencyOe+ Update Agency TitleOu+ Delete AgencyOd+ Move AgencyOmh+ Edit MemoO> Costs+ Change Cost EstimateOc+ Reconcile a PaymentOr+ DeReconcile all PaymentsOk+ Change Monthly TransferOt Config+ Screen DisplayOq+ ModeOa+ Initial BalanceOb+ Bottom WindowOw SNAPLANPO Special+ Jump to MonthOjh+ Print SetupOy+ Print PreviewO?+ Print PlanOph+ AboutOo+ ExitOx Special+ Jump to MonthOjh+ Print SetupOy+ Print PreviewO?+ Print PlanOph+ Register CopyO$h+ AboutOo+ ExitOx Special+ Jump to MonthOjh+ AboutOo+ ExitOx Special+ Jump to MonthOjh+ Register CopyO$h+ AboutOo+ ExitOx O @`[ OZ4\` SNAPLANPO (Auto Mode)( (Manual Mode)( + Planner V \SNAPLAN\PLAN.DAT No Agencies Defined h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( h@W,( Total Transfer Balance h@W,( -- '|2[X Od|2[' i}:[] i}:[J 'h|:[9 h|:[( Odh|:[ 100012 No room for more entries Add an Agency TitleO Spare Update Title AgencyO No Agencies defined Delete Are you sure ?O No Agencies defined Move Agency From Position To PositionO Moving \SNAPLAN\PLAN.DAT \SNAPLAN\PLAN.DAT \SNAPLAN\PLAN.DAT \SNAPLAN \SNAPLAN\TEMP.$$$ \SNAPLAN\TEMP.$$$ h@PL( AgencyOd Total Cost Update From Month+/Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec To Month+/Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec No Agencies Defined Reconciling Transfer AmountO Months ,Remaining Months,All MonthsK Initial Balance Value) Last Month Balance) Bottom Window Display+ Total,Transfer,Balance Setup Mode+ Manual,Auto Carry Balance+ Yes,No (Y/N) NoOn+ YesOy W7Oy@| Warning A corruption in theO program has been found. Unregistered Version Registered to Financial Planner V F A Richey 1996KO + Welcome to my Financial Planner.O + At the moment, this unregisteredO +"copy allows you only a few entriesO +$to enable you to try out the programO +#before registering. To find out howO +!to register, see the REGISTER.TXTO file or the Help Screen Item.O Press orO to continueO Registration See the REGISTER.TXT fileO or look in the HELP IndexO for full details on how O to obtain this code.O Enter CodeO \OPD\SNAPLAN.REG \OPD\SNAPLAN.REG 95842175639741822132 H@`[4 Invalid Registration CodeO \OPD\SNAPLAN.REG Financial Planner( from `RMR Software'O Written by F A RicheyO alanrichey@msn.comO 100023,543 on CISO Version UnRegistered VersionO Registered to : PHOqO h@PL( \SNAPLAN\TEMP.$$$ + Disc Full You will have to make someO more room on your disk ifO you wish to continue.O \SNAPLAN\SNAPLAN.WRD ROM::WORD.APPO WordKO .WRDKO Jump to ... Month+/Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec First Month+/Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec Decimal PlacesO Number of MonthsO (Positions in Pixels)+ Vertical Line OneO2{Od{ Vertical Line Two( + Month GapO First Month OffsetO Press a key Od|RW Mb@?J Mb@?N SNAPLANHO Help File Not Available !!( How to RegisterO If you wish to register, justO send 7 ($US10). If you haveO access to CompuServe, you canO register using SWREG, quotingO the Registration ID - 13716.O Contact Details Otherwise I can be contacted using : CompuServe: 100023,543 or Email at: alanrichey@msn.com Or by post at: Contact Details F.A.Richey+ F.A.Richey + c/o SONAS+ 6001 Natick Court Calgary+ Burke, VA 22015 Isle of Mull+ Strathclyde+ SCOTLAND+ / No Help File SNAPLANPO SNAPLANPK Stand By Preparing Print Job Preparing Preview SNAPLANPK SNAPLANP.OVL not found