- a M A Z E i n g - By Tim Giles (c) 1994 To install: Put the following files in the following places on any drive: amazeing.opa -> \app\amazeing.opa amazeing.pic -> \app\amazeing\amazeing.pic Then install amazeing.opa in the usual way. To play: aMAZEing is a game for 2-4 players, any of which may be controlled by the computer. The object is to move about a 7x7 maze collecting Things. Each player takes turns to: 1. Select an edge piece of the maze using the arrow keys and the flashing cursor. 2. Rotate the "spare" maze piece by pressing any letter key. 3. Slide the corresponding row/column by pressing ENTER, SPACE or TAB. The "spare" piece is inserted at the cursor; the piece that falls off the opposite side of the maze becomes the new "spare". 4. Select a position to move to using the arrow keys, and complete the move by pressing ENTER, SPACE or TAB. Players may only move along connected paths, and may not occupy the same position as another player. Things must be collected in the correct order - the Thing which the current player has to collect next flashes. Things are collected simply by moving on top of them. Once a player has collected all six of his Things, he must return to his home corner. The four corners of the maze may never be moved. If a player wants to move the row/column that the previous player moved, then it may only be moved in the same direction as its last movement. eg: If Player 1 moves row 3 left, then player 2 may not immediately move row 3 right again. The best way to find out what all the other options do is to play the game. Have fun! Tim. October 1994