103 Show or hide Tool_Palette\nToggle Tool_Palette 105 Brush Settings 110 %lu KB 111 %lu KB Free on %c: 112 Unavailable 114 Show or hide the Control Panel\nToggle Control Panel 125 Displays a Tip of the Day. 126 Ti&p of the Day... 127 Did you know... 128 4D Paint\n\n4d_pai\n\n\npaintMy.Document\n4d_pai Document 129 I can't find the tips file (TIPS.TXT) in the 4D Paint root directory, check to make sure it's there. 135 Trouble reading the tips file 136 &Help 144 Show or hide the Utilities Toolbar\nToggle Utilities Toolbar 147 Set the rendering levels 4D Paint uses for static and moving objects\nRendering Levels 278 Show or hide the Position Toolbar\nToggle Position Toolbar 1000 Edits the currently selected Brush\nEdit Brush 1025 Sets the spotlight to face directly at the current scene\nLight To Front 1073 Load a Brush from the scene\nLoad From Scene 1074 Saves the current Brush to the scene\nSave To Scene 1075 Opens a window for editing the currently selected Paint\nEdit Paint 1076 Saves the current Brush to disk\nSave To Disk 1079 Edit the settings for Brush, Paint or Surface\nEdit Settings 1094 Apply edited lighting settings to the lights in the scene\nApply To Scene 32771 Makes the Position Tools latch so they do not deselect themselves after use\nLock Position Tools 32773 Zooms all objects to fit inside the Main View\nZoom Extents (Alt+Z) 32774 Rotates the scene. +Ctrl: Rotates on Z axis\nRotate (R) 32775 Zooms in or out of the scene\nZoom Dynamic (Z) 32776 Scales a rectangular region to fit the Main View\nZoom Region (W) 32777 Brings up a window for setting general options\nSet General options. 32778 Debug Code (plus it's a chance to put a silly name in the menu!) 32779 Pans objects along the X and Y axes of the Main View\nPan (P) 32780 Define directories in which to search for bitmaps\nBitmap Search Paths 32781 Controls for adjusting the Lights in the scene\nLighting Controls 32782 Allows freehand painting on to the surface of an object +Ctrl, Sampler Tool\nBrush Tool (B) 32783 Allows areas to be filled with paint \n Fill Tool 32784 Allows drawing of straight lines and polygons on the surface of an object\nLine/Polygon Tool 32785 Allows clone operations and textures to be painted freehand\nTexture Paint 32786 Allows you to add text to the surface of an object\nText Tool 32787 Allows areas to be selected for cut/copy/paste and move operations\nSelection Tool 32788 For painting areas to be selected\nMask Tool 32789 Allows you to erase paint from the surface of an object\nErase Tool (E) 32790 Locks the position of the spotlight relative to the scene\nLight Lock 32791 Moves the spotlight to aim directly at the current view\nLight To Front 32792 Activates the Paint Wizard\nPaint Wizard 32793 Shows the Lighting controls in the Control Panel\nLighting Controls 32794 Brushes\nBrushes 32795 Paints\nPaints 32796 Shows the Object controls window in the Control Panel\nObject Controls 32797 Shows the Layers controls in the Control Panel\nLayers 32798 Shows the Bookmarks window in the Control Panel\nView Bookmarks 32800 Selects the Brush Tool 32801 Opens the Lighting Controls window 32802 Unhides objects that have been hidden 32803 Hides objects from the scene 32804 Opens the Objects Floating Palette\nObjects Floater 32805 Opens the Applicators Floating Palette\nApplicators Floater 32806 Opens the Pigments Floating Palette\nPigments Floater 32807 Opens the Surfaces Floating Palette\nSurfaces Floater 32808 Shows the MAX Out! Options window in the Control Panel\nMAX Out! 32809 Opens the Paint Settings window\nPigment Settings 32810 Opens the Applicator Settings window\nApplicator Settings 32812 Opens a bitmap image file\nOpen Image 32813 Saves the bitmap to disk\nSave Image 32815 Closes the Bitmap View\nClose View 32816 Removes all zoom transformations\nNo Zoom 32817 Save the current bitmap\nFile Save 32818 Displays the Layer controls window in the Control Panel\nLayers Window 32819 Adds a new Layer\nNew Layer 32820 Delete the currently selected Layer\nDelete Layer 32821 Move the currently selected Layer down 1 in the stack\nLower Layer 32822 Zooms in to the bitmap\nZoom In 32823 Zooms out of the bitmap\nZoom Out 32824 Displays the Object controls window in the Control Panel\nObjects Window 32826 For sampling colours from objects to the foreground colour +Ctrl samples to background\nColour Sampler 32827 Notifies you when 4D Paint has useful information to give you\nWarning Window 32832 Rotate Left 32833 Rotate right 32838 Performs 100 rotate transforms with timing to present a 'frames per second' speed 32839 Redraws the Main View\nRedraw Screen 32841 Saves the bitmap in one of a variety of file formats\nSave As 32845 Toggles the visibility of the floating Info Window\nInfo Window 32847 Adds the current Brush & Paint to the Custom list\nAdd To Custom 32848 Sets the current paint selection to 'None'\nNoPaint 32849 Deletes the currently selected item from the Custom List\nDelete Custom 32850 Selects this Brush 32851 Selects this Brush 32852 Selects this Brush 32853 Selects this Brush 32854 Selects this Paint 32855 Selects this Paint 32856 Selects this Paint 32857 Selects this Paint 32860 Set all options to their default value\nDefault All 32862 Saves the current Brush to the scene\nSave To Scene 32863 Saves the current Brush to disk\nSave To Disk 32864 Set all controls to their default value\nDefault All 32865 Loads a bitmap from disk into the currently selected layer\nLoad Bitmap To Layer 32866 Saves the bitmap of the currently selected Layer to disk\nSave layer 32873 Sets the Ambient Light in the scene to 255\nFull Ambient 32874 Sets the Spotlight to full intensity\nFull Spot 32875 Sets both the Ambient light and the Spot light to 50%\nMix Ambient/Spot 32876 Flips the image Horizontally\nFlip Horizontal 32877 Flips the image Vertically\nFlip Vertical 32879 Loads a bitmap from disk to the current layer\nLoadBitmap 32881 Toggle background checkers on and off\nToggle Checkers 32887 Empties the Clipboard of all its contents\nClear Clipboard 32888 Inverts the colour of the image\nInvert 32889 Collapses all layers into one\nCollapse All 32890 Adds a new Layer to the currently selected map type\nNew layer 32891 Deletes the currently selected Layer\nDelete Layer 32892 Shifts the selected Layer up one in the Layers stack\nPromote Layer 32893 Shits the selected Layer down one in the Layers stack\nDemote Layer 32897 Opens the full Colour Picker\nColour Picker 32903 Rotates the bitmap 90 degrees clockwise\nRotate 90 32904 Rotates the bitmap 180 degrees\nRotate 180 32905 Rotates the bitmap 90 degrees anticlockwise\nRotate -90 32920 Prints the current Bitmap View\nPrint Bitmap View 32921 Prints the Main View\nPrint View 32922 Clears the selection set and drops the current Floater\nDeselect All 32923 For toggling pressure sensitivity when you have a pressure sensitive tablet active 32925 Allows you to move the spotlight around the scene\nMove Lights 32926 Resets the 'Warning Window' button to dormant state\nIgnore Warning 32927 Opens the Preferences window for SpaceWare devices\nShow SpaceWare Prefs 32928 Toggles whether the Warning Window beeps when it warns you\nBeep On Warn 32929 Undoes a single dab of paint\nUndo Single 32930 Redo last stroke\nRedo 32931 For setting the size of 4D Paint's Undo buffer\nUndo Prefs 32945 Sets the currently selected colour to Black\nBlack 32946 Sets the currently selected colour to White\nWhite 32947 Swaps the Foreground and Background colours\nSwap Fore/Back 32948 Sets the currently selected colour to Red\nRed 32949 Sets the currently selected colour to Green\nGreen 32950 Sets the currently selected colour to Blue\nBlue 32951 Sets the currently selected colour to Cyan\nCyan 32952 Sets the currently selected colour to Magenta\nMagenta 32953 Sets the currently selected colour to Yellow\nYellow 32954 Sets the saturation of the selected colour to 0\nDesaturate 32955 Load a set of previously saved brushes from disk\nLoad Brushes 32956 Save all brushes to a disk file\nSave Brushes 32957 Merge some or all of the brushes from a previously saved brush file\nMerge from brush file 32959 Load a previously saved paint file\nLoad Paints 32960 Save all paints to a disk file\nSave Paints 32961 Merge some or all of the brushes from a previously saved paint file\nMerge from paint file 32962 Prompt 57344 4D Paint Version 1.1 57345 Ready For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Create a new document\nNew 57601 Open an existing project or 3DS4 file\nOpen 57602 Close the active document\nClose 57603 Save the active project\nSave 57604 Save the active project with a new name\nSave As 57616 Open this scene 57617 Open this scene 57618 Open this scene 57619 Open this scene 57632 Erase the selection\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last stroke\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program and system information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application\nExit 57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics 57669 Display help for buttons, menus and windows when clicked in\nHelp 57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the File Toolbar\nToggle File ToolBar 59393 Show or hide the Status Bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61204 Selecting this button means that when you use a position tool, it won't deselect itself. Use this if you think you're going to take more than one action to position an object. 61205 Until you load an object you won't be able to paint on anything. 61206 You can also select the Brush Tool by pressing the 'B' key when you're in the Main View or using the right mouseclick Popup Menu in the Main View. 61207 In the File Menu there are shortcuts for opening recently used files. 61208 You can also rotate using the Arrow Keys on your keyboard. Holding down the Control key when you rotate with the mouse or those arrows rotates the scene on the Z axis. 61209 Try Zooming to Extents by pressing 'Alt' and 'Z' at the same time. 61210 Your render level is currently set to a non textured mode. If you wish to see paint on the object, set your render level to at least 'Flat Textured' mode. 61211 could not be found in your current map paths. Would you like to locate it manually? 61212 Due to Compuserve's GIF licensing requirements. 4D Paint does not support the GIF format. We apologise for this inconvenience but suggest you convert your GIF images to JPEG or TARGA before importing. 61213 Much as we admire your persistance trying to load a GIF by renaming it, we're really not allowed to do that. We apologise for the inconvenience, complaints should be addressed to Compuserve. 61214 4D Paint could not clear the Clipboard, this might be caused by it being currently active within another application. 61215 4D Paint could not open the Clipboard, check to make sure it's not being used by another application. 61217 Brush Tool: +Ctrl = Sample Foreground For help press F1 61218 Fill Tool: For help press F1 61219 Line Tool: For help press F1 61220 Clone and Textured Paint Tool: For help press F1 61221 Text Tool: For help press F1 61222 Sampler Tool: +Ctrl = Sample Background For help press F1 61223 Eraser Tool: +Ctrl = Sample Background For help press F1 61224 Selection Tool: For help press F1 61225 Don't forget that when you're finished zooming and want to return to normal, pressing 'Alt' & 'z' is a shortcut to 'Zoom Extents' 61226 You can also activate 'Zoom Window' by pressing the w key. 61227 'Panning' is where you move the objects along the X and Y axes of the screen, a shortcut to this tool is to press the 'p' key. 61228 If you are finding that rotating your objects is very slow, consider dropping the 'Move' render level to Wire Frame and maybe even using the Acceleration function on top of that. 61229 There is no object currently loaded. Select 'Open' from the File Menu or press Ctrl + 'o'. 61230 You have no tool selected at the moment, select one from the Control Panel or the Move Toolbar. 61231 Brush X Width 61232 Brush Y Height 61233 Brush Head Angle 61234 Brush Head Feathering 61235 Bitmap Paints override the Brush Head of the current Brush. Dab Spacing and Number of Dabs will still work however. 61236 If you have a pressure sensitive tablet active, you will not be able to paint with a mouse if you use Pressure Sensitivity. To rectify this, you can switch off pressure sensitivity here. To remove pressure sensitivity please DESELECT this check box: 61237 There is a pressure sensitive tablet present, there may be some problem painting with the mouse\nwhile pressure sensitivity is turned on. Do you want me to turn it off? (It can be turned on\nagain later from Tools/Preferences/Pressure Sensitivity). 61238 The text has been created but needs to be placed on the screen, click an area\nfor initial placement (you can move the text after it has been placed) 61239 Problems loading materials for file: 61240 4D Paint experienced problems loading file: 61241 Bad Material Data: 61242 Bad Mesh File: 61243 Nothing of interest has happened yet. 61244 Before editing a Brush, look to see if there's already one premade, if you have the Info Window open you can check all of the paramaters of the Brush from there. 61245 The warning you just cleared is still in the Warning Window if you decide you do need to look at it. It will only be removed if another warning appears. 61246 If you have the Info Window open you can click on the Foreground and Background samples in it to bring up a colour picker. 61247 Instead of pressing this button you can also bring up the eraser by pressing 'E' or, if you have a context sensitive graphics tablet, by turning the stylus upside down and painting! 61248 The Layers feature is one of the most powerful features 4D Paint has to offer, if you haven't read the manual take a look at the chapter entitled 'Working With Layers'. 61249 You can select the Line Button by pressing 'L'. 61250 This button doesn't exist so how you managed to press it is beyond me... Stop hassling me and use some *REAL* tools! 61251 If you only have a few maps to find, remember that 4D Paint will let you assign Map Paths dynamically as you import objects. 61252 This option prints the current Main View, that is to say the objects in the scene and the background. It might pay to make sure the scene is well lit before printing depeding on how bright your printer usually prints. 61253 Your Material does not have a currently selected paintable layer for\nthe following Map Types that your paint is trying to paint, add layers\nin order to paint these Map types:\n 61254 Bump 61255 Opacity 61256 Self Illumination 61257 Shininess 61258 Colour 61259 Normal Paint uses all of the settings associated with Brushes and Paints. 61260 Darken darkens the paint it is painted over. The amount of darkening can be controlled using the 'Amount' slider at the bottom of this dialogue. 61261 Lighten lightens the paint it is painted over. The amount of lightening can be controlled using the 'Amount' slider at the bottom of this dialogue. 61262 Desaturate paints leech colour from other paints. The amount of colour that is removed can be set with the 'Amount' slider at the bottom of this dialogue. This paint type only works in Colour layers. 61263 Gradients start out painting as the Foreground colour and end up as the Background colour. If you have a Brush selected that has a limited number of dabs, that number is used to define the length of the gradient, otherwise the gradient takes place over 255 dabs. 61264 Multiply paints work like felt pens, the colour they produce is based on the colour beneath them. 61265 Pointillist paints paint dabs of colour based on the colour beneath them. Pointillist paints cannot be used on a Base Layer, they must be used on a higher layer. 61266 Chiaroscuro paints paint either the foreground or the background colour based on whether the colour they are painting over is above or below the amount defined in the 'Threshold' slider below. Chiaroscuro cannot be painted on a Base Layer. 61267 Invert inverts the colour of the paint beneath. Invert cannot be painted on a Base layer. 61268 Replace paint compares the colourit paints over to the background colour, if they are within the 'Threshold' set below of each other it replaces that colour with the Foreground colour, respecting the Luminance of the original. 61269 Checkers paint produces checkers alternating between the Fore and Background colours. The 'Size' slider below determines the size in pixels of the checkers. 61270 Alpha checkers paints checkers of alternating Foreground and existing colour. The Size of the checkers is determined using the 'Size' slider below. 61271 Blur paints blur existing paints. The amount of blur is controlled using the 'Amount' slider below. 61272 Self Masking paint only paints over areas that are within the 'Threshold' level of the current Background colour. 61273 Brushed paint uses the 'Grunge' slider to modulate a 'brushed metal' type effect. 61274 Halo paint antialiases as if it were painting on the Background colour, creating a dab of the Foreground with a Halo of the Background. 61275 Randomise Luma paint randomises the luminance of the entire dab based on the 'Variance' slider below. 61276 Drybrush paint alters the luminance of your the Foreground colour as you paint based on the height of the Bump map in that pixel. the higher the Bump, the lighter the colour. 61277 A maximum of 100 Brushes are allowed, to add a new Brush, delete an existing one first. 61278 A maximum of 100 Paints are allowed, to add a new Paint, delete an existing one first. 61279 This slider sets how much memory 4D Paint allocates to the Undo buffer. The larger the amount the more levels of Undo and redo you will have available. 61280 Alpha Masked paint will only paint on areas that have already had paint applied. If there is no 'Alpha' in an area this paint will not affect it. Hence it works as any normal paint on the Base Layer of a Map Type. 61281 Alpha Intensify intensifies the Alpha value of an area. Use the Intensity slider in the Colour Picker to define how much intensity is added. Because this affects Alpha it will have no affect on a Base Layer. 61282 Alpha Remover lowers the alpha value of an area of paint above the Base Layer of a map type. This causes the paint to become semi transparent. To control how much alpha is removed use the Intensity slider in the Colour Picker. 61283 Rainbow paint randomises the colour of each dab painted based on the 'Variance' slider below. Unlike 'Randomise Luma' the colour is varied throughout the entire spectrum. 61284 Horizontal Bands paint applies horizontal bands of alternating Fore and Background colour. The height of these bands is controlled using the 'Height' slider below. 61285 Vertical Bands paint applies vertical bands of alternating Fore and Background colour. The width of these bands is controlled using the 'Width' slider below. 61286 You currently have a Bitmap Paint selected. If your brush does not have either manual or auto dab spacing drawing lines/polys with such a paint can take a long time, produce unexpected results and overflow the Undo Buffer. 61287 4D Paint has detected what appear to be old Space Controller drivers. To use a Space Controller with this package please download the latest drivers (7.2 minimum) from SpaceTec at http://www.spacetec.com 61294 This is a demo version of 4D Paint. Save has been disabled. If you purchase the full version of the product, project files allow you to save all the layers and map types. 61295 This is a demo version of 4D Paint. Save has been disabled. When you purchase the full version of the product, saving the bitmap view window allows you to export any of the map types, and any of its layers for use in another package. You have the option of exporting the objects mesh over the map as well, if you like. 61296 This is a demo version of 4D Paint. Send to 3d Studio Max has been disabled. When you purchase the full version of the product, you will be able to return all the map types back to Max, automatically updating the material on the object, ready for render. 61297 There is not enough memory to complete this action. Closing some programs or increasing the size of virtual memory may help. 61298 Cannot create more than 20 layers. 61299 There are no valid texture (bitmap) paints. Create some before trying to use the Texture Paint tool. 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels