Welcome to ZPC-land! We're glad you could join us. Don't forget to turn up the volume... ====================================================================== INSTALLATION ====================================================================== To install ZPC, launch the "Setup" program found within the ZPC folder on this CD. From there follow the prompts for correct installation. The CD demo requires about 16 MB of hard disk space. Once ZPC is installed, begin the game by opening the Start Menu and going to Programs/ZPC CD DEMO and selecting the "play ZPC" option. ZPC requires Microsoft's DirectX version 2.0 or better to run. We have included DirectX 2.0 on this CD. The ZPC setup program will ask you if you want to install DirectX while setting up ZPC. Normally, you should select "install DirectX". DirectX 2.0 will replace any older version of DirectX on your system. THIS IS NORMAL, AND WILL NOT AFFECT GAMES RELYING ON THE OLD VERSION. If you have a newer version of DirectX, ZPC setup will not install DirectX 2.0. ZPC will work with versions newer than 2.0. ============================================================================== TROUBLESHOOTING INFO ============================================================================== UNINSTALLING ZPC - The CD demo and the full version of ZPC can coexist on your system. However, it is a good idea to uninstall the demo before installing the full version (if only to save hard disk space). When you uninstall ZPC, you will receive a message indicating that not all files could be deleted. THIS IS NORMAL!! Uninstallation will not remove files created by the game itself. These files include saved games and preferences. If you wish to completely remove ZPC from your drive, first uninstall it, then delete the ZPC directory from your hard drive. You may also find that ZPC does not remove itself from your start menu after uninstallation. This occurs if you've installed the game more than once without uninstalling it each time (you have to work to do this, but it's possible). To remove the ZPC entry from the start menu following uninstallation, go to Start/Settings/Taskbar, select "Start Menu Programs" and click "Remove...". Find ZPC on the list that comes up, highlight it, and click "Remove". Close the dialog to complete the process. DIRECTX / MISSING DLLs You may receive a message informing you that Windows could not find a DLL necessary to run ZPC. Most likely, this means that DirectX 2.0 is not on your machine. To fix this, uninstall ZPC, then re-install it, making sure to select the "install DirectX 2.0" option during the "DirectX setup" portion of the setup procedure. PREFERENCES CORRUPTION If you are experiencing crashes, it's possible the preferences file has become corrupted. Try throwing away "ZPC.prf", the preferences file. The next time you run ZPC, it will make a new one. PERFORMANCE Check the "Performance" Tab under "System" in the Control Panel. This should say "Your system is configured for optimal performance." If not, consult your Windows 95 manual for configuration and optimization information. However, the following are common problems: "Drive x: is using MS-DOS compatibility file mode system." This indicates that the specified drive (often, the CD-ROM drive) is not using a native Windows 95 driver. This will cause performance, especially video playback, to suffer. "Performance may be improved by enabling virtual memory." To resolve this problem, click on the "Virtual Memory" button. Then select the "Let Windows manage my virtual memory settings (recommended)" option. The computer must be restarted before this change can take effect. Other optimization tips for better performance: Close any other programs before starting ZPC. From the "System" dialog box, click the "File System" button. Under the "Hard disk" tab, make sure that "Read-ahead optimization" is set to "Full". Under the "CD-ROM" tab, make sure that the supplemental cache size is set to "Large" and that "Optimize access pattern for:" is set for the appropriate speed of CD-ROM installed on your computer. Video playback may suffer if this is set to "No read-ahead". From the "System" dialog box, click the "Graphics" button. Make sure that "Hardware acceleration:" is set to "Full". In the main "System" dialog box, double check that the memory setting is correct. Also, check the system resources available. If less than 90% of system resources are free, then it is likely that there are other applications currently executing on your system. Closing other programs and/or restarting your system should free more system resources for use by ZPC. In any case, for optimal performance, ZPC should not be run simultaneously with other programs. ZPC may not work properly while a screen saver or desktop changer program is running. It is highly recommended that any such background tasks be disabled prior to playing ZPC. Some video cards (such as the Diamond Stealth 64) and sound cards require DirectX drivers supplied by the manufacturer. If you encounter graphics or sound errors, contact your hardware manufacturer to inquire about the latest DirectX drivers. MOVIE VOLUME - You may find that the movies are much louder or softer than the sounds in the game. To fix this, you must set the wave audio playback volume on your Windows desktop. There are two ways to do this. The first is to go to the start menu, the select settings/control panel. This will pull up a window containing several windows icons. Double click the one titled "Multimedia". This will launch a dialog box with several tabs across the top. The tab marked "audio" should be selected. If not, click on it to select it. Move the top volume slider up or down to adjust movie volume. You can also adjust movie volume by double clicking the speaker cone icon on the task bar (this is located on the right for horizontal task bars, and at the bottom for vertical ones). Find the volume slider in the "Wave" section and move it up or down to adjust movie volume. SOUNDS "POP" - You may find that some sounds cause your speakers to pop. You can fix this by adjusting the master volume for your soundcard. Just double-click on the speaker-cone icon on the task bar (on the right for horizontal bars and at the bottom for vertical ones). Adjust the slider in the "Volume Control" section down to decrease the volume. This will prevent your speakers from popping. You can use your speaker volume control to compensate for turning your Windows volume down. HEADSET VOLUME TOO LOUD - Turn down the Windows volume. To do this, you must activate the Windows "Volume Control" dialog. Do this by double-clicking the speaker cone icon on the task bar (right side for horizontal bars, bottom for vertical ones). Find the slider control in the "Volume Control" section and reduce it. ====================================================================== TECHNICAL SUPPORT ====================================================================== Thank you for trying ZPC. We cannot offer technical support for the demo, but we will support the full version via phone and email. ====================================================================== Shameless Marketing Ploy ====================================================================== To buy the full version ZPC or a cool t-shirt or hat: www.gtinteractive.com www.zombie.com ============================================================================== ©1996 Zombie LLC. ZPC was Distributed by GT Interactive Software, Created and Produced by Zombie® and Powered by Bungie. Package design by Werkhaus. All trademarks are acknowledged as properties of their respective owners.