0 Sorry, ZPC was unable to locate enough memory to execute properly. Try closing any other applications and verify that virtual memory is enabled before launching ZPC. 1 Please be sure the files 'map.sce', 'shapes.shp', 'images.img' and 'sounds.snd' are in the same folder as the 'ZPC.exe' application and try again. 2 ZPC couldn't allocate enough sound channels to play sound because there isn't enough free system memory available. 3 ZPC has encountered a file system error. Check to make sure you have enough disk space and that you are not trying to save to a locked volume. 4 Sorry, that key is already used to adjust the sound volume. 5 Sorry, that key is already used for zooming in the overhead map view. 6 Sorry, that key is already used for scrolling the inventory. 7 Sorry, that key is already used for a special game function. 8 ZPC has used up all available memory and cannot continue. Close any other applications, verify that virtual memory is enabled, switch to a lower bit-depth, or turn off sounds. 9 ZPC is using maps which were not created by Zombie. This could result in poor performance, inexplicable crashes and corrupted saved games. Proceed at your own risk. 10 A game related error occurred while attempting to read from your map or saved game file. 11 A system error occurred while attempting to read from your map or saved game file. 12 The map you are trying to load has been corrupted. Please reinstall from a backup copy. 13 Checkpoint %d was not found! 14 Picture %d was not found! 15 The gathering computer has quit the game, wasting your valuable time and leaving you mapless. 16 Sorry, ZPC was unable to gracefully exit from the network game. 17 The scenario file that this saved game was from cannot be found. When you switch levels you will revert to the default map. 18 ZPC was unable to find the map on which this film was recorded, so the film cannot be replayed. 19 Sorry, ZPC needs more memory free to play in a networked game. Try closing any other applications and verify that virtual memory is enabled before starting a network game. 20 Sorry, that key is already used for going to a weapon. 21 ZPC is unable to find the DirectSound driver for your hardware. Contact your vendor or Microsoft for an updated driver. 22 ZPC has encountered a DirectDraw error. 23 Sorry, the Num Lock key may not be used for keyboard configuration. 24 Sorry, the Shift keys may not be used for keyboard configuration. 25 ZPC was unable to allocate enough memory for high resolution play. Your graphics preferences have been changed to low resolution. 26 ZPC requires that the game CD be inserted before gathering for a networked game. Please be sure your original disc is in the CD-ROM drive. 27 ZPC requires that the game CD be inserted before playing an individual game. Please be sure your original disc is in the CD-ROM drive. 140 Shapes 141 Sounds 142 ZPC 143 Map 144 Untitled Game 145 ZPC 146 Standard 147 Music 148 Images 149 Demo1 150 Demo2 151 Demo3 280 BEGIN GAME 281 OPEN SAVED GAME 283 REPLAY LAST GAME 284 REPLAY SAVED RECORDING 285 SAVE LAST RECORDING 287 GATHER NETWORK GAME 288 JOIN NETWORK GAME 290 PREFERENCES 291 START DEMO 292 QUIT 420 Save game as: 421 Save recording as: 422 Select recording as: 423 Default 560 Sorry, that player could not be found on the network. He may have cancelled his Join Game dialog. 561 One or more of the players in the game could not be found to receive the map. The game has been cancelled. 562 ZPC could not register on your network and therefore cannot join a game. 563 Sorry, the gathering computer has cancelled the game. What a schmoe! 564 One or more of the players in the game could not be found on the network and the game has been cancelled. 565 The gathering computer never sent the map, so the game has been cancelled. Maybe one of the other machines in the game went down. 566 ZPC was unable to start the game. Maybe one of the other machines in the game went down. 567 An error ocurred while trying to join a game (an incompatible version of ZPC may have tried to gather you). Try again. 568 Sorry, a network error ocurred and ZPC is unable to continue. 569 That player could not be added to the game because your versions of ZPC are incompatible. 980 U.E.S.C. ZPC 981 Opening Connection to B.4.5-23 982 CAS.qterm//CyberAcme Systems Inc. 983 <931.461.60231.14.vt920> 984 UESCTerm 802.11 (remote override) 985 PgUp/PgDown/Arrows To Scroll 986 Return/Enter To Acknowledge 987 Disconnecting... 988 Connection Terminated. 989 %H%M %m.%d.%Y 1120 Click 'Join' to wait for an invitation into a network game of ZPC. 1121 Now waiting to be gathered into a network game by a server. Click 'Cancel' to give up. 1122 You have been accepted into a game. Now waiting for the server to add the remaining players... 1260 chi punch 1261 Johnny 7 - Machine Pistol 1262 Johnny 7 - Grenade Launcher 1263 Johnny 7 - EMR Gun 1264 Johnny 7 - Shotgun 1265 Johnny 7 - Tesla Gun 1266 Johnny 7 - Vaporizer 1267 Johnny 7 - Bludgeon 1268 Spear Gun 1269 Psionic Brain Flak 1270 Psionic Beam 1271 Big Bang 1540 Graphics 1541 Player 1542 Sound 1543 Controls 1544 Environment 1680 %d flags 1681 %d:%02d 1682 %d points 1683 Team 1684 Time With Ball 1685 Flags Captured 1686 Time 'It' 1687 Goals 1688 Time On Hill 1820 Kill Limit 1821 kills 1822 Capture Limit 1823 flags 1824 Point Limit 1825 points 1960 You have been accepted into a game of '%s'. Now waiting for the server to add the remaining players... 1961 Every Man For Himself 1962 You have been accepted into a cooperative game. Now waiting for the server to add the remaining players... 1963 Capture the Flag 1964 King of the Hill 1965 Kill the Man With the Ball 1966 Keep Away From Rob 1967 Rugby 1968 Bazooka Tag 2100 Sending map to remote player. 2101 Sending map to remote players. 2102 Receiving map from server. 2103 Waiting for server to send map. 2104 Sending environment information to the other player. 2105 Sending environment information to the other players. 2106 Receiving environment information from server. 2107 Waiting for game synchronization. 2380 The key '%s' is already in use. Please choose another. 2381 Duplicate Key 2520 Net Player 2521 Net Game 2660 Mix 2661 Chop 2662 Blend 2663 Puree 2664 Liquefy 2665 Every Man For Himself 2666 Cooperative Play 2667 King of the Hill 2668 Kill the Man with the Ball 2669 Tag 2670 < Server Map Differs > 3080 NONE 3081 Johnny 7 mk.1 3082 Spear Gun 3083 J-7 Pistol Clip 3084 J-7 Pistol Clips 3085 J-7 Grenade 3086 J-7 Grenades 3087 Scrap Metal Hunk 3088 Scrap Metal Hunks 3089 J-7 Shotgun Shell 3090 J-7 Shotgun Shells 3091 J-7 Tesla Battery 3092 J-7 Tesla Batteries 3093 J-7 Vapo-Pellet 3094 J-7 Vapo-Pellets 3095 Spear Bundle 3096 Spear Bundles 3097 Aqua Lung 3099 Memory Orb 3100 Memory Orbs 3101 Sceptre 3102 Sceptres 3103 Amulet 3104 Amulets 3105 Breastplate 3106 Breastplates 3107 Cloak 3108 Cloaks 3109 Gauntlet of Psion 3110 Gauntlets of Psion 3111 Sword 3112 Swords 3113 Ball 3114 Balls 3220 WEAPONS 3221 AMMUNITION 3222 POWERUPS 3223 ITEMS 3224 GOOD STUFF 3225 NETWORK STATISTICS 3226 NETWORK STATISTICS 3500 %d kills 3501 %d deaths 3502 %d suicides 3503 Total Carnage 3504 Monsters 3505 Total Kills: %d (%.2f kpm) 3506 Total Deaths: %d (%.2f dpm) 3507 including %d suicides 3508 Total Team Carnage 3509 including %d friendly-fire kills 3510 Total Scores 3511 Total Team Scores 3640 Look Up/Down 3641 Turn Left/Right 3642 Move Forward/Back 3643 Sidestep Left/Right 3644 Look Left/Right 3645 Next/Previous Weapon 3646 Ignore this Axis 3780 Forward 3781 Run/Swim Modifier 3782 Backward 3783 Sidestep Left 3784 Sidestep Right 3785 Primary Trigger 3786 Action Key 3787 Next Weapon 3788 Previous Weapon 3789 Toggle Map 30000 0x00 30001 Left Mouse Button 30002 Right Mouse Button 30003 Cancel 30004 Middle Mouse Button 30005 0x05 30006 0x06 30007 0x07 30008 Back 30009 Tab 30010 0x0A 30011 0x0B 30012 Clear 30013 Return 30014 0x0E 30015 0x0F 30016 Shift 30017 Control 30018 Alt 30019 Pause 30020 Caps Lock 30021 0x15 30022 0x16 30023 0x17 30024 0x18 30025 0x19 30026 0x1a 30027 ESC 30028 0x1c 30029 0x1d 30030 0x1e 30031 0x1f 30032 Spacebar 30033 Page Up 30034 Page Down 30035 End 30036 Home 30037 Left Arrow 30038 Up Arrow 30039 Right Arrow 30040 Down Arrow 30041 Select 30042 Print 30043 Execute 30044 Snapshot 30045 Insert 30046 Delete 30047 Help 30048 0 30049 1 30050 2 30051 3 30052 4 30053 5 30054 6 30055 7 30056 8 30057 9 30058 0x3a 30059 0x3b 30060 0x3c 30061 0x3d 30062 0x3e 30063 0x3f 30064 0x40 30065 A 30066 B 30067 C 30068 D 30069 E 30070 F 30071 G 30072 H 30073 I 30074 J 30075 K 30076 L 30077 M 30078 N 30079 O 30080 P 30081 Q 30082 R 30083 S 30084 T 30085 U 30086 V 30087 W 30088 X 30089 Y 30090 Z 30091 Left Win 30092 Right Win 30093 Apps 30094 0x5e 30095 0x5f 30096 Keypad 0 30097 Keypad 1 30098 Keypad 2 30099 Keypad 3 30100 Keypad 4 30101 Keypad 5 30102 Keypad 6 30103 Keypad 7 30104 Keypad 8 30105 Keypad 9 30106 Keypad * 30107 Keypad + 30108 Keypad Separator 30109 Keypad - 30110 Keypad . 30111 Keypad / 30112 F1 30113 F2 30114 F3 30115 F4 30116 F5 30117 F6 30118 F7 30119 F8 30120 F9 30121 F10 30122 F11 30123 F12 30124 F13 30125 F14 30126 F15 30127 F16 30128 F17 30129 F18 30130 F19 30131 F20 30132 F21 30133 F22 30134 F23 30135 F24 30136 0x88 30137 0x89 30138 0x8A 30139 0x8B 30140 0x8C 30141 0x8D 30142 0x8E 30143 0x8F 30144 Num Lock 30145 Scroll Lock 30146 0x92 30147 0x93 30148 0x94 30149 0x95 30150 0x96 30151 0x97 30152 0x98 30153 0x99 30154 0x9a 30155 0x9b 30156 0x9c 30157 0x9d 30158 0x9e 30159 0x9f 30160 Left Shift 30161 Right Shift 30162 Left Control 30163 Right Control 30164 Left Alt 30165 Right Alt 30166 0xa6 30167 0xa7 30168 0xa8 30169 0xa9 30170 0xaa 30171 0xab 30172 0xac 30173 0xAd 30174 0xAe 30175 0xaf 30176 0xb0 30177 0xb1 30178 0xb2 30179 0xb3 30180 0xb4 30181 0xb5 30182 0xb6 30183 0xb7 30184 0xb8 30185 0xb9 30186 ; 30187 = 30188 , 30189 - 30190 . 30191 / 30192 ` 30193 0xc1 30194 0xc2 30195 0xc3 30196 0xc4 30197 0xc5 30198 0xc6 30199 0xc7 30200 0xc8 30201 0xc9 30202 0xca 30203 0xcb 30204 0xCc 30205 0xcd 30206 0xce 30207 0xcf 30208 0xd0 30209 0xd1 30210 0xd2 30211 0xd3 30212 0xd4 30213 0xd5 30214 0xd6 30215 0xd7 30216 0xd8 30217 0xd9 30218 0xda 30219 [ 30220 \ 30221 ] 30222 ' 30223 0xdf 30224 0xe0 30225 0xe1 30226 0xe2 30227 0xe3 30228 0xe4 30229 Process Key 30230 0xe6 30231 0xe7 30232 0xe8 30233 0xe9 30234 0xea 30235 0xeb 30236 0xec 30237 0xed 30238 0xee 30239 0xef 30240 0xf0 30241 0xf1 30242 0xf2 30243 0xf3 30244 0xf4 30245 0xf5 30246 Attention 30247 Crsel 30248 Exsel 30249 Ereof 30250 Play 30251 Zoom 30252 Noname 30253 Pa1 30254 OEM Clear 30255 0xff