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#+-| 264 |--------------------------------------------+#######################
#| +-----+ Attempt to access field that is not linked |#######################
#| When a database file is open, FORCE attempts to match fields declared in |#
#| the database alias (the DBFDEF block) to fields in the database file     |#
#| header.  If a field exists in the alias and in the database, it is       |#
#| considered linked.  If the field does NOT exist in the database file, it |#
#| is NOT linked.                                                           |#
###| If the FORCE variable __soft_link is TRUE, then fields that are not   |##
###| linked are ignored during the OPEN or USE commands and processing     |##
###| continues.  However, you may NOT access a field that is not linked,   |##
###| e.g., by executing the REPLACE or ?? command.                         |##

See Also: The Escape Hatch BBS System - 703-373-0575 - Dual/HST Powered!
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson