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#+-| 15.3.2 |---------------------+###########################################
#| +--------+ Data Variable Table |###########################################
########| The data.hdr file defines global symbols which may be used |########
########| to control the FORCE environment at low level.  The DATA   |########
########| VARIABLE TABLE lists these symbols and their meanings.     |########
###+--| FORCE variable |------| Usage |-----------------------------------+###
###| __blk_size ........ Number of paragraphs allocated for               |###
###|                     each memory block.                               |###
###| __cr_first ........ Used by ACCEPT, INPUT, WAIT to determine if a    |###
###|                     cr and lf should be output before a prompt.      |###
###| __color_std ....... Determines standard I/O colors.                  |###
###| __color_enhcd ..... Determines enhanced I/O colors.                  |###
###| __errcode ......... Contains last error code.                        |###
###| __soft_link ....... If TRUE, database engine tolerates minor         |###
###|                     differences between an alias declaration and     |###
###|                     a header.  Otherwise, an exact match is          |###
###|                     required to prevent runtime errors.              |###
###| __soft_seek ....... If TRUE, the record pointer is left at the       |###
###|                     position of where the SEEK command fails, if     |###
###|                     SEEK is unable to locate the key.  The eof()     |###
###|                     flag is not set for unsuccessful seeks.          |###
###|                     found() must be used to get status of last seek. |###
###| __cursor .......... Read/only variable that gives the status of      |###
###|                     cursor display.                                  |###
###| __memo_max ........ Value that determines memo buffer size and       |###
###|                     maximum memo size, up to 32k.                    |###
###| __field_eof ....... If a field is accessed at EOF then FORCE         |###
###|                     generates a runtime error.  To have the error    |###
###|                     ignored, set __field_eof to FALSE. WARNING: If   |###
###|                     you are accessing a field at EOF, be sure you    |###
###|                     know what you're doing.  The data imported at    |###
###|                     EOF will have no meaning and is invalid.  DO     |###
###|                     NOT process data imported at EOF.                |###
###| __exit_status ..... Contains the child process return code.  When a  |###
###|                     program is executed through the RUN command it   |###
###|                     can return an error code.  This error code is    |###
###|                     the same code tested by the DOS ERRORLEVEL       |###
###|                     command.  see the RUN command.                   |###
###|                                                                      |###
###| Additional information about each of these variables may be contained|###
###| in comments in the data.hdr file.                                    |###

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This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson