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#+-| 8.5.2 |------------------+###############################################
#| +-------+ /Z Debug Support |###############################################
###########+---| Description |-------------------------------------+##########
###########| /Z specifies to the compiler to create an object file |##########
###########| with line number information.  If you are using the   |##########
###########| CodeView Debugger, a symbolic debugger or Turbo       |##########
###########| Debugger from Borland, use the /Z option.             |##########
###########| ----------------------------------------------------- |##########
###########| Symbolic line number information is not produced for  |##########
###########| code contained within an include file.  Line number   |##########
###########| information is created only for the source module     |##########
###########| specified on the command line.                        |##########
#########+--| Examples |--------------------------------------------+#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| FORCE  /Z test.prg                                       |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| FORCE  /Z /Od:\obj\main.obj main.prg                     |#########

See Also: The Escape Hatch BBS System - 703-373-0575 - Dual/HST Powered!
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson