SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE: THE FIRST 20 YEARS GAMETEK For technical support, call 305 935 3995 between 9 AM and 6 PM Eastern. TO RUN THE SNL DEMO Click "Done" to close this text window. IE will then attempt to run the SNL demo. If you get an error message, you may need to install QuickTime 1.1.1 on your machine. To do this, exit IE. From Windows, choose "Run" from the File menu and type "D:\DEMOS\SNL\SETUP\SETUP.EXE", where D: is the letter of your CD ROM drive. ABOUT THE SNL DEMO GameTek's 2-CD ROM "multimedia experience," Saturday Night Live: The First 20 Years, features video clips of some of the classic sketches from the first twenty years of Saturday Night Live. This demo offers a sample of some of the best clips from the release version.