^C{Word Finder ^Cprogram by Shane Paul ^Cpuzzles by Lynda Fowler} Word Finder is a VGA update to our old Word Finder program. Word Finder is a word matrix puzzle creator. When you run the  and program and start a puzzle, you will see a large grid full of apparently random letters. Your job is to locate words in the  and grid amidst the  and baffling array of randomness. We have taken this opportunity to upgrade the  and program's features as well. Added to this update is the ability to create puzzles with diagonal words in the  and word matrix, along with other minor enhancements. Also, when you correctly solve the puzzle on the highest level, you will see our "secret word" which you can write on our report card and send back to us to get the credit you deserve. You can run Word Finder either from the ODM Shell program (by activating the "Run" button at the  and bottom of the  and text window) or from the DOS prompt (by typing "wf" then ). Of course you can also run Word Finder from any other shell program, such as DOS Shell or Windows. When you have started the program you can then choose which file to use to create your puzzle. Each time you run Word Finder and choose a file, a new puzzle is created randomly from the words in the  and file. This ensures a new challenge every time you play, even if you know the  and words in the  and list. There are three levels of difficulty to the  and program. On the highest level of difficulty Word Finder attempts to insert fragments of the  and actual words in the  and puzzle specifically to throw you off. On the lowest level the words are only inserted once and the rest of the puzzle is filled with random letters. The time allowed to solve the puzzle decreases as the difficulty level increases.