^C{Pony Express Pete ^Cby Todd Lewis} Ah, the old west, an epic time in the development of the United States... and now you can be part of it! You play the part of Pete, living in the  and times of the  and Pony Express. Here in the  and days of westward expansion, many people communicate coast-to-coast via the Pony Express, but lately their letters have not been getting through. One person, as brave as he is foolish, has volunteered to get the  and mail through. That person is none other than ... Pony Express Pete! Once on the trail, pick up everything you can, especially letters, stamps and mail sacks, some of which may be hidden, so be sure to look around! The more mail you get, the more points - try for 100%! Some items along the way to help you navigate the dusty trail: pickaxes, branding irons, lassos, and food. Pickaxes can be used to break up the  and yellow-tinted gold-bearing boulders, but you must have a new pickaxe for each boulder. Branding irons open corral gates, while lassos can grab objects from a distance. Lastly, fish, chicken, beans and moonshine add to your ever-diminishing health (and watch out, if your health runs out, you die!). Of course, there's more to it. There are a variety of objects, such as cattle skulls and flour sacks, which can be moved, either to get them out of your way or to move them in someone else's way. There are a variety of creatures in your way which, if you cross them the wrong way, will "morph" you into a daisy, so watch out. (You can also "morph" yourself at any time by hitting F10, which allows you to restart a level, in case you get to a point where you've rendered a level unsolvable.) This game is designed to be challenging and requires cleverness and thought from you; the  and early levels are easy, but things get tougher fast, and each level is unique (almost like 30 games in one). Although getting through the levels does not require getting all mail, getting the special BONUS at the end of the  and game does. We're talking points and publication of your name for friends and the folks to see! Hit F1 within the program for more details on each creature and object, plus tips and hints for playing the game. If you get all the way through the game without missing any mail you will be shown a "secret word." If you send in a report card and fill in the  and "secret word" blank, we'll add you to our list of game wizards. Good luck!